Resource consents issued

A list of resource consents issued each month by Porirua City Council starting in January 2025.

Here are the resource consents issued each month by Porirua City Council.


Subtype Property address Legal description Description Decision date
RCA24394 Land Use Consent 27C Mungavin Avenue Ranui,
Porirua City 5024
SEC 167 Porirua Upgrade of the existing night lighting fixtures around the lower four courts at Mungavin Courts. 3/02/2025
RCA25016 Land Use Consent 1 Kaiaho Close Aotea, Porirua City 5024 LOT 1227 DP 540151 Construction of a 3 bedroom single level dwelling on residential site. 3/02/2025
RCA24360 Land Use Consent 51 Ken Douglas Drive Aotea, Porirua City 5024 LOT 1255 DP 553554 New two storey Dwelling with non compliant earthworks. 10/02/2025
RCA24261 Combined Land Use & Subdivision 207 Flightys Road Judgeford, Porirua City 5381 SEC 33 Pauatahanui Eleven lot fee simple subdivision in the Rural Lifestyle Zone. A land use consent for a private way and associated earthworks. 11/02/2025
RCA24238 Land Use Consent 328 Paremata Haywards Road State Highway 58, Judgeford,
Porirua City 5381
SEC 95 Pauatahanui Earthworks for water storage structures. 13/02/2025
RCA24359 Land Use Consent 6 Raiha Street Elsdon, Porirua City 5022 LOT 2 DP 87245 Crown warehouse development, including associated earthworks. 14/02/2025
RCA24381 Land Use Consent 20 Awarua Street Takapuwahia, Porirua City 5022 SEC 1 SO 37060 Extension of childcare centre and increase of children from 44 to 70. 14/02/2025
RCA25018 Land Use Consent 12 Te Hoiere Street Aotea, Porirua City 5024 LOT 1393 DP 564485 Construct a dwelling with a vehicle crossing and undertake earthworks. 17/02/2025
RCA24377 Subdivision Consent 36 Roys Road Plimmerton, Porirua City 5026 LOT 1 DP 20677 Boundary adjustment between two existing lots/Titles and their associated dwellings. 19/02/2025
RCA25001 Land Use Consent 99 Mana Esplanade Paremata, Porirua City 5026 LOT 1 DP 353999 The construction of two pop-up shops that will not meet
several of the District Plan standards including flooding, coastal, signage and active street frontage standards.
RCA25020 Land Use Consent 196 John Burke Drive Aotea, Porirua City 5024 LOT 1370 DP 571061 Retrospective resource consent application to conduct earthworks and construct an associated retaining wall with a fence. 20/02/2025
RCA25037 Land Use Consent 9 Trevor Terrace Paremata, Porirua City 5024 Pt LOT 13 DP 12865 New deck with non-compliance with earthworks and setbacks. 24/02/2025
RCA24266 Combined Land Use & Subdivision 105 Driver Crescent Cannons Creek, Porirua City 5024 LOT 129 DP 27682 Construction of a new dwelling and a subsequent subdivision resulting in a total of two lots. 27/02/2025
RCA24408 Land Use Consent 13 Bayview Road Paremata, Porirua City 5024 LOT 3 DP 30417 A shotcrete and rock anchor retaining structure and associated earthworks. 28/02/2025
January 2025
Subtype Property address Legal description Description Decision date
RCA24390 Land Use Consent 83 Queen Charlotte Drive Aotea,
Porirua City 5024
LOT 1329 DP 540151 Earthworks to construct a dwelling. 7/01/2025
RCA24402 Land Use
Road Pukerua Bay, Porirua City 5026
Wairaka 7 Block Establish and operate a telecommunications facility. 22/01/2025
RCA24409 Land Use Consent Navigation Drive
Whitby, Porirua City 5024
SEC 8 SO 475749 Construct two vehicle crossings in the
public road reserve to access the adjoining privately owned lot
RCA24370 Combined Land
Use & Subdivision
76 Coroglen Rise
Pukerua Bay, Porirua City 5026
LOT 11 DP 86666 Three lot freehold subdivision. 27/01/2025
RCA24371 Land Use Consent 2 Titahi Bay
Road Porirua City Centre, Porirua City 5022
LOT 1 DP 64304 EV charger and signage. 27/01/2025
RCA24406 Land Use Consent 5 Te Hoiere
Street Aotea, Porirua City 5024
LOT 1399 DP 564485 Establish a new dwelling that breaches Earthworks (EW-S1 and EW-S2) and the Windows to Street Glazing (MRZ-S9) standards. 28/01/2025
RCA24405 Land Use Consent 16 Topsail Way
Whitby, Porirua City 5024
LOT 22 DP 540196 Establish new dwelling that breaches Earthworks (EW-S1 and EW-S2) and the Windows to Street Glazing (MRZ-S9) standards. 30/01/2025
RCA24270 Combined Land
Use & Subdivision
Queen Charlotte
Drive Aotea, Porirua City 5024
LOT 100 DP 555484 Three-lot subdivision with associated earthworks. 31/01/2025