Titahi Bay Community Safety Audit

What we are working on in the Bay

In 2021 we worked on two key projects concerning the overall safety at Titahi Bay Beach which the community had the opportunity to can be involved in and give us feedback.

Cars on the beach

As part of our Transport Bylaw Review we asked the community to comment on whether the rules around cars on the beach should be changed. This was a formal submission process and you can find out more about this here.

Community Safety Audit

We completed an audit at the North and South ends of the beach which looked at identifying any other safety issues, and how these could be improved through environmental design. We did this in collaboration with the community. Our in scope area are outlined in the map below.

We used the Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) model to do this audit.

What is CPTED?

CPTED is a crime prevention philosophy based on proper design and effective use of the built environment leading to a reduction in the incidence and fear of crime, as well as an improvement in quality of life. CPTED reduces criminal opportunity and fosters positive social interaction among legitimate users of space. The emphasis is on prevention rather than apprehension and punishment. While crime occurs for many different reasons and cannot be prevented by well-designed places alone, CPTED is an important tool with proven benefits. To be most effective, CPTED needs to be part of a broader crime prevention strategy that incorporates social, environmental and community development strategies.

There are four key overlapping CPTED principles. They are:

  1. Surveillance – people are present and can see what is going on.
  2. Access management – methods are used to attract people and vehicles to some and restrict them from others.
  3. Territorial reinforcement – clear boundaries encourage community ‘ownership’ of the space.
  4. Quality environments – good quality, well maintained places attract people and support surveillance.

CPTED uses 7 qualities to characterise well designed, safer places. They are:

Access: Safe movement and connections

Places with well-defined routes, spaces and entrances that provide for convenient and safe movement without compromising security.

Surveillance and sightlines: See and be seen

Places where all publicly accessible spaces are overlooked, and clear sightlines and good lighting provide maximum visibility.

Layout: Clear and logical orientation

Places laid out to discourage crime, enhance perception of safety and help orientation and way-finding.

Activity mix: Eyes on the street

Places where the level of human activity is appropriate to the location and creates a reduced risk of crime and a sense of safety at all times by promoting a compatible mix of uses and increased use of public spaces.

Sense of ownership: Showing a space is cared for

Places that promote a sense of ownership, respect, territorial responsibility and community.

Quality environments: Well designed, managed and maintained environments

Places that provide a quality environment and are designed with management and maintenance in mind to discourage crime and promote community safety in the present and the future.

Time frames

We completed our audit and Transport Bylaw Review in December 2021. Check out the key dates below.

When What
2 December Te Puna Korero - Deliberations on Transport Bylaw
Te Puna Korero - Presentation of findings of safety audit and recommended next steps
16 December Adoption of Transport Bylaw
7 April Te Puna Korero – Presentation of progress on Titahi Bay beach safety improvements and next steps

Titahi Bay Beach Community Safety Audit Report

Titahi Bay Beach Community Safety Audit Progress Report