Mark Batten

Mark Batten



My principal place of residence is in the Western/Titahi Rangituhi Porirua ki te uru Ward area. I am also standing for the Capital Coast District Health Board.

I stand to be of service for a city that cares for all people and that delivers priority operational policy and Policing for its children, disadvantaged and elderly.

I stand for Doctors surgerys that can cope with normal GP needs without patients being sent off to Keneperu Hospital A&E because the GP's are all fully booked.

Council must become strategically business friendly. I stand for budget accuracy, project risk profiling and programme implementation that puts an end to the impacts of consistently underspent budgets because that hurts the local economic 'money-go-round'. We need CBD amenity that attracts people, investment and opportunity. Consenting decisions must be timely, equitable and regionally competitive.

I have an award-winning local government career and am recognised for leading community economic development and for the strategic planning and implementation of innovative, public-private partnering projects. I have owned and operated five businesses. 

Contact: [email protected]