Ola Kamataga: Beginning of Life

Welcome to our one-year-on snapshot following the launch of our Pacific Strategy for Porirua City – Ola Kamataga: Beginning of Life 2024–2027.

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The Pacific Strategy Ola Kamataga: Beginning of Life was adopted by Porirua City Council in October 2023. Since this time, the team has worked in partnership with Pacific people and communities to bring the strategy to life.

Kamataga: Beginning of Life 2024–2027Arts & languageCommunitiesOpportunitiesCultural sustainability

May 2023: Trusted faces in trusted places

The Council reached out to Pacific people, families and communities to help them shape and design a Pacific Strategy. In 2023 our young and old, our people with disabilities, our spiritual and religious groups and our Pacific rainbow communities all played a key role in telling us what was important to them.

Our Strategic Partnerships team analysed the feedback and drafted the first Pacific Strategy, engaging with Pacific experts and artists to help with the final design of the strategy.

Council 2022-25

census 2023, ola kamataga

Census 2023

Census 2023 was conducted at the same time the Pacific Strategy was being developed. Censuses are a sources of rich information about the people living in Porirua and reflect the growing Pacific people population living in New Zealand, and Porirua's youthful population.

October 2023: draft Pacific Strategy is presented to Council and approved

The vision and strategic priorities are underpinned by Pacific values of respect, service, leadership, family, belonging and relationships.

These values are intrinsic to the growth and wellbeing of being Pacific. Acknowledging Pacific values is a way of building strong rapport, relationships and partnerships, and ensuring Pacific people have choice and control over their lives.

ola Kamataga, webpage, four focus areas. 2024

October 2023: Adoption of Ola Kamataga: Beginning of Life with the Pacific community

An important day for Pacific people living in Porirua city as the full Council meeting considered the intent and aspirations of Ola Kamataga: Beginning of Life 2024–2027. Download the strategy here

This celebration of what we've achieved one year on will ensure that we share what we are doing with Pacific families by taking their feedback and integrating their aspirations into our systems and processes.

ola kamataga, pacific families, 2024

Focus area 1: Arts & languages

The full range of Pacific cultures, arts, languages and stories are accessible, celebrated and valued.

In this section you can discover more about Pacific Language Weeks, the Waitangirua Residents Association, Pacific Christmas flags, the dawn raids and Pacific Language Week activities.

Pacific arts, culture and creativity play an important part in developing strong and prosperous cities, and cohesive and healthy communities. This strategy recognises the vital role of Pacific arts, culture, and creativity in the wellbeing of Pacific people in Porirua:

  • Events and celebrations
  • Language Weeks
  • Pacific community engagement
  • Pātaka Pacific exhibitions: Cry of the Stolen People.

Pacific communities see their cultures reflected in the built structures and place names of our urban environment. Pacific MVPFAFF+/LGBTQIA+ and Pacific people with disabilities, and Pacific children and young people are heard and responded to.

Pacific people participate and benefit from Pacific cultural events, celebrations, and activities in Porirua city. Faith and role of churches is recognised as a valuable resource in Pacific culture. Accessible support is readily available for Pacific children and young people in the area of arts and cultural opportunities.

"Totō hau tōkiga nei, aua na tupu aga e fāi mai. (Tokelau) |
Plant a seed today, for future generations."

Pacific Language Weeks

Language is a key cornerstone for the health and wellbeing of Pacific people. History shows a loss of language leads to a loss of culture and identity. Porirua City joined the Ministry for Pacific Peoples to celebrate Pacific Language Weeks, starting in 2010. The Mayor, councillors and government officials are strong supporters of the flag raising events.

Of critical importance is ensuring our young people are engaged in the process of the language weeks, so they can carry on this important tradition in future years and pass traditions on to their children, grandchildren and great children. These young people from Rangikura School who took part will be our leaders of tomorrow. We want to acknowledge all local schools and colleges that have contributed to the success of our language week celebrations throughout the year.

Eleven language weeks are celebrated each year: Fiji, Tokelau, Niue, Samoa, Kiribati, Cook Islands, Tonga, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Rotuma, and Tuvalu.

We have noticed this year that the language week attendance is growing in numbers, especially with the smaller island groups. It can be seen to be a strong indicator that Pacific communities' confidence in Porirua City Council is slowly gaining momentum.

The majority of the language weeks are scheduled across winter and spring months, which means we have to be prepared with a wet weather venue. We are grateful to our crew at Pātaka Art + Museum for hosting the events and also working with Pacific leaders to include some amazing displays of art and traditional costume. More about language weeks

"Halo ola keta, halo olaketa. | We were really proud to introduce the first Pacific Language Weeks for Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands."

pacific and maori themed christmas flags

Pacific and Māori themed Christmas flags fly high

To celebrate the diversity of Porirua City, our Communications team worked with local artist Moses Viliamu to design and fly new flags that reflect Porirua’s rich cultural diversity and celebrate the many different communities that make the city unique. These appeared at the end of 2023 and again in 2024.


Waitangirua Residents Association

The Waitangirua Residents Association worked with Porirua City Council and the Ministry for Pacific Peoples to ensure permanent flags were installed around Waitangirua Mall, with a flag representing the Pacific Strategy Ola Kamataga: Beginning of Life serving as a visual reminder and link.

dawn raids

The dawn raids

In 2024 Pātaka partnered with Te Papa to run a series of intergenerational workshops commemorating 50+ years since the dawn raids. The workshop was called 'From Dawn to Dusk'.

cry of the stolen people

'Cry of the Stolen People'

An audio-visual installation created alongside fellow Tokelau artists Moses Viliamu, Mathew Lepaio and (the late) Zac Mateo 'Cry of the Stolen People' tells the little-known history of Pacific slavery. This installation is part of the exhibition 'Taku Hoe – Aotearoa, which opened on Saturday 2 November 2024.

dont' touch my hair

'Don’t Touch My Hair'

Art by Pacific artist Sherridan Kanavatoa (Niue, Samoa, Cook Island) features in the Cobham Court light boxes. 'Don’t Touch My Hair' is a photobook of people with curly hair and stories about their hair experience.


'Red Wave, Blue Wave'

The 'Red Wave, Blue Wave' exhibition in 2024 brought together a selection of works from both Pacific collectives for the first time in Aotearoa. With support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, several artists also travelled to Aotearoa for the exhibition.

"A fia vave o’o lou va’a, alo na o oe, ae a fia Tuli mamao le taunu’uga, tatou aloalo faatasi | If you want your canoe to go fast, go alone. If you want your canoe to go further, let us go together."

ola kamataga, pacific families, 2024

Focus area 2: Communities

Focus area 2: Pacific communities are empowered to influence and improve design and delivery of Council services.

The development of a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation framework to align and drive Council policy, programmes and investment. The framework is designed in collaboration with Pacific leaders.

  • Service design, delivery and procurement
  • Democratic participation
  • Community engagement

Council will embed Ola Kamataga: Beginning of Life Strategy into strategic and operational policy platforms including the Long-term Plan, and support community-led activations to increase voter participation and engagement in the review of the Long-term Plan, Annual Plan and District Plan.

Pacific radio and relevant Pacific social media channels communicate Council information in Pacific languages for all generations of Pacific people.

Qualitative and quantitative data collection and engagement approaches incorporate Pacific evidence and best practice. Policy is effective for all Pacific people, with an emphasis on MVPFAFF+/LGBTQIA+ and Pacific people with disabilities, children and young people. Establishment of Pacific champions throughout Council.

"E le’e se’ua e tōtō ai (Fiji, Rotuman) | The rain will stop: no storm lasts forever."

people with disabilities share their experiences

Pacific people with disabilities share their experiences

Pacific people with disabilities often feel left out of discussions about services that impact on them. Carparking has been a big issue, where disabled carparks were often used by non-disabled people, yet people with disabilities feel voiceless.

Outcomes such as the increase in fines for those who park illegally have increased confidence for those living with disabilities to have a voice in matters that are important to them. Porirua City meets annually with the Pacific disability community to hear their views.

Te Ra Nui – Eastern Porirua Development

Pacific people make up 60% of the population in eastern Porirua, making them the largest ethnic group and second-largest ethnic population across Porirua city. While we have achieved in some areas, we have experienced challenges and barriers in others, resulting in poor socio-economic outcomes.

Over time this has improved, but it has meant that the government has had to inject a significant amount of resource to ensure genuine prosperity can be achieved. Te Rā Nui –Eastern Porirua Development (formerly known as Porirua Development) is one of the most comprehensive development programmes in the history of eastern Porirua. Find out more

Pacific TRN
Our Whare Our Fale – Joint Central Pacific Collective and Ngati Toa housing programme

Our Whare / Our Fale – Joint Central Pacific Collective and Ngāti Toa housing programme

A blessing of the whenua and a groundbreaking ceremony signalled the beginning of an important initiative aimed at creating new homes for Pacific families in eastern Porirua. These homes will be part of the Our Whare Our Fale community-led housing initiative, funded by government and managed by the Ministry for Pacific Peoples.

In collaboration with Ngāti Toa, Central Pacific Collective will build up to 300 affordable, high-quality homes over the next decade. Construction of the first 18 homes began in November 2024, with a goal for completion by 2025.

"Long-term Plan engagement occurs every three years and participation of Pacific people has been historically low.

In 2023, Pacific people told us that written submissions were often challenging to engage in and wanted something more visual (given Pacific people are often kinesthetic learners and communicators). In 2024 we made a change to include video submissions."

video submissions

Local government conference 2024 acknowledges Porirua City’s efforts to improve engagement with Pacific communities

2024, the Long-term Plan process included video submissions. A record 180 submissions were made by Pacific people – most via video submissions made during the Pacific Night Market in eastern Porirua. This achievement got a highly commended award at the Local Government New Zealand SuperLocal Awards.

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Young Pacific people turn out in big numbers to advocate for Te Kiwa Nui Polyfest funding

Because of the success of the video submissions. Council supported an application by the Te Kiwa Nui Trust board responsible to organising Porirua City's Polyfest. For the first time in 45 years primary schools were also included in the line-up.

youth s

Pasifika Youth Leadership Symposium

Le Niu o Pasifika, in collaboration with Pasifika THRIVE, delivered the Pasifika Youth Leadership Symposium. The symposium bought together 130 students from six secondary schools: Porirua College, Tawa College, Mana College, Aotea College, Bishop Viard College and Whitby Collegiate. Maselusa Washburn, Director of Le Niu o Pasifika reinforces the importance of having "by Pasifika youth for Pasifika youth"' safe spaces to connect and be themselves.

Five uniquely tailored Pasifika workshops with a range of talent (such as renowned Tongan reggae artist Swiss) and guest speakers (including our very own Pasifika MP Hon Barbara Edmonds).

Teams from across Council joined together to enable the option of making video submissions. A record 180 videos were taken of Pacific people, who submitted on their dreams and aspirations for Porirua city.

Pacific people are concerned that our communities are not prepared for a pandemic or natural disaster

Pacific providers are engaged in Coordinated Incident Management System (CIMS) training and Waihemo Ekalesia Kerisiano Faapotopotoga Samoa (EFKS) Christian Congregational Church in Porirua activate their emergency community hub.

Pacific Landing page image, top image 2024

Porirua Pacific-led community emergency hub

In November 2024, the first Porirua Pacific-led community emergency hub was activated during a simulation test of all regional Emergency operations systems based on a 8.2 earthquake based in the South Island. The Christian Congregational Church of Samoa (Ekalesia Faapotopotoga Kerisiano Samoa), in Waihemo Street, Waitangirua, tested their systems and connections with the EOC.

The activation was a critical step for the hub to test systems and processes.

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Bishop Viard Students

Local College Bishop Viard supports students to think about ideas and opportunities to develop and grow businesses. One of their latest projects is District Emergency Safe Kits (Go Bags).

They presented their bags to staff at Council with our Emergency Operations Centre team purchasing some kits.

"Folau mo se lumana’i manuia | Journey towards the right and good fortune."

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Focus area 3: Opportunities & pathways

Opportunities and pathways to grow Pacific business entrepreneurship and social enterprise are diverse and accessible.

In this section you will learn more about Pacific Night Markets, Pacific business success, Le Fale Skills Hub, Partners Porirua, Eastern Porirua Environmental Cadetship programme and Mau te Rongo Navigators.

Pacific people are experiencing high levels of success both economically and socially, and Pacific churches are being recognised.

  • Pacific business events
  • Economic and workforce development programmes
  • Build connections by working collaboratively

Success is when barriers and opportunities for better Pacific employment outcomes are understood. Pacific people employed are employed in highly skilled, highly paid jobs and have excellent digital access and skills. Visible Pacific entrepreneurship, business and social enterprise role models are sharing their success stories and supply and uptake of culturally relevant support to Pacific businesses is increased. Pacific-led initiatives that support Pacific small businesses are activated. Pacific economic development and business data is collected and analysed.

"Aloalo tou vaka, alo tonu ki mua. Sa kilo ki peau i ou tafa (Tuvalu) | Paddle your vaka (canoe) looking straight ahead and pay no attention to the waves around you."

Pacific Night Markets

In 2023, following the Pacific strategy community engagement, the Pacific Night Markets continued for the remainder of the year due to popular demand.

The Pacific Night Markets are not only about business, they are also about places to share information, where Council teams and other agencies have taken the opportunity to showcase their work or seek feedback on a topic of interest. There were 10 Pacific Night Markets in 2024.

pacific night market landing page images 2024

Pepe's Cafe Porirua

The small but mighty Pepe’s Cafe Porirua in Kenepuru is taking Porirua by storm!

Since opening in April 2024, their pies have been the talk of the town, often selling out, and with flavours like Paua, Sweet Chilli Prawn and Povi Masima Luau, it's easy to see why. Their stunning Choctoberfest entry was a sweet success.

Pepe's Drink, Choctoberfest 2024

Le Fale Jobs and Skills Hub

The Le Fale Jobs and Skills Hub is a community-based initiative supported by Whānau Manaaki Kindergartens Association as part of a collaborative funding approach by MSD, MBIE, Kāinga ora and Porirua City Council. Le Fale aims to guide and empower people to achieve their goals around employment, financial capability and home ownership.

Students from Cannons Creek School were on the ground at Cannons Creek Park helping to get the last of 18,000 plants in the ground.

cadet programme

Eastern Porirua Environmental Cadetship programme

In April 2024 the official launch of the Eastern Porirua Environmental Cadetship programme that will see a little over 100,000 trees being re-planted at Cannons Creek and Bothamley parks. Le Fale in collaboration with Porirua City, Raranga Ltd, Te Rā Nui and Ngāti Toa – Te Rūnanga O Toa Rangatira will spearhead the recruitment of locals who are passionate about the environment to assist the Porirua City Council to do this mahi over the next three years.

Cannons Creek Park helping to get the last of 18,000 plants in the ground

Local students do the mahi

Students from the neighbouring Cannons Creek School were on the ground at Cannons Creek Park helping to get the last of 18,000 plants in the ground in 2024, alongside the cadets. This planting mahi is mainly being done as part of the Environmental Cadetship Programme in eastern Porirua, which is in place to help residents gain new qualifications and on-the-job training.

Partners Porirua

Partnering with other organisations

Partners Porirua proudly supports connecting our rangatahi to valuable resources and agencies. For the third year, we attended BCITO's Pasifika Trades Secret event, offering pathways for our Pacific youth. They hear from BCITO apprentices, employers, business owners, and trades specialists about the trades and infrastructure industry and engage in "speed dating" with providers for access and mentoring towards sustainable career pathways.

Mau te rongo naviagatirs

Mau Te Rongo Navigators

Five young Porirua residents are the guardians of peace at Porirua's central train station, supported by The Ministry for Social Development. Bronsin and Reuben (pictured) have secured employment as the Mau Te Rongo Navigators – they work to keep train and bus travellers secure and connected. The five locals have strong ties with the community, which come in handy in their role. The busy station can be a hotspot of activity with Porirua City Council working closely with community organisations to trial safety officers at the station from late 2023. Bronsin and Reuben are employed as part of a six-month MSD-funded project.

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Focus area 4: Pacific cultural capability & capacity

Programmes to increase Pacific cultural capability and capacity in Council support the goals of the Pacific strategy.

Part of this is more Pacific workforce in Council leadership and decision-making positions and opportunities to grow their capability. This includes:

  • leadership and staff development
  • training
  • pay equity
  • inclusive recruitment practices.

This means:

  • adopting Pacific cultural capability tools to be used extensively across all levels of Council
  • more Pacific workforce in Council leadership and decision-making positions
  • more Pacific workforce recruited and retained in Council
  • existing staff accessing development opportunities
  • reviewing Pacific pay equity in Council
  • improving attitudes and reducing discrimination and stereotyping in Council
  • all workforce platforms to include ethnicity data collection.

"Lūsia ki taulanga (Tonga). | Though weather worn, the boat sails right into the harbour."

Lewis, pacific collection at the library

Pacific collection at the City Centre Library

Lewis Ioane is our Pacific collection and Māori collection librarian. Lewis hails from the Pacific Islands of Niue. Since joining the Library team, he has built up the Pacific collection, while also handling research enquiries on the objectives and organising Le Fale Vānanga – the library's craft group and bilingual story times for whānau and kura. Lewis has strengthened the collections representing some of our smaller island communities, such as a Tuvalu children’s collection both in the City Centre and Cannons Creek libraries, and more Kiribati and Tokelau children’s resources.

waka tours

Waka workshops

Following the adoption of Maungaroa 2050 (Māori strategy) and Ola Kamataga: Beginning of Life 2024–2027, the Manager, Māori Strategy established waka workshops. The workshops were developed as part of capacity and capability building of Council staff. Workshops were offered to all staff, including the executive leadership team. This involved taking a journey on a double-hulled waka around the harbour, learning about the history of Māori and Ngāti Toa, and also linked to Maungaroa 2050 and Ola Kamataga strategies.

mahi rangatahi

Mahi Rangatahi cadets

Mahi Rangatahi is a cadetship programme in Porirua that offers young people real-world work experience to help them understand career options. Two of the mahi rangatahi cadets in 2024 were students of Pacific descent. They were both involved in the Long-term Plan Pasifika engagement sessions and wrote a submission supporting Te Kiwa Nui Polyfest.

Wall walk

The Wall Walk

To increase cultural training and awareness of staff, our Policy team organised for Council staff to attend The Wall Walk in 2024. The walk invites new or deeper consideration about particular events, and their impact for Māori and for Aotearoa New Zealand and our walks connected to Pacific experience as well. Staff that attended were among the 27,600 New Zealanders that have attended the walk, with over 90 organisations participating.

culture responsive training

Cultural responsiveness training

Community groups have asked us to help provide cultural responsiveness training to support their work with clients. Ideas come to fruition as we provide a safe space for participants to be themselves and open up about enhancing their engagement with Pacific people. Citizens Advice Bureau told us that 29% of their clientele are of Pacific ethnicity. Ideas from the training included: celebrating Pacific Language Weeks, learning Pacific greetings, booking a session with Samoa Capital Radio to share information about their services, collecting stories from Pacific people about their experiences using the service, and keeping connected with Pacific agencies and organisations.