Download Antenno, a free mobile app that sends you notifications and alerts about places and topics you care about – recycling collection days, road closures, water outages, events and more. You’ll get alerts on your home screen, so it’s an easy way to stay informed! If you want to make sure you get Antenno alerts in a timely way when you're away from home, you'll need to enable the app to use mobile data.
You can use the Antenno app to tell us about something that needs fixing or report something directly to us. Just go to the 'Your reports' menu, and add a report to tell us about it.
You can add up to three photos too – you don’t have to, but it can really help with some types of reports. You’ll need to add a name and location that’s in Porirua as the report will be sent to directly to Porirua City Council’s Customer Services team (and we’ll keep that information private).
If something needs immediate attention, please call the Customer Services Team on 04 237 5089 (24 hours a day, seven days a week). In an emergency, please dial 111.
Download the app from the App Store or Google Play and save places you care about, such as home, work, or school. Antenno will let you know when something relevant to your chosen place(s) happens or is coming up.
Search for Antenno at the App Store or click on one of the links below if you're on a mobile phone.
The aim of Antenno is to provide relevant information for places you care about. It’s unlikely that someone living in Bay Drive needs to receive posts about a change to the recycling collection in Papakōwhai, for example.
If it was broader, Antenno posts would start to resemble a social media feed that you’d need to sift through to find messages relevant to you.
If something comes up that affects the entire district – like a major road closure, water quality issue, or an emergency event – you’ll still receive a notification.
Not at this stage, but it’s in the pipeline that you’ll be able to in future.
Yes you can, even if the places are in the same suburb or district. For example, if you’ve saved your work address (where you don’t want to receive recycling updates and reminders) and your home address (where you do want to receive them), you can choose to opt out of receiving them for your work address.
The app requires either a wifi connection or mobile data to receive posts. If you’re not in a wifi zone and don't have your mobile data on, you won't receive new posts until you’re connected again.
If there hasn't been an incident or information relevant to your saved places, you won't be sent any posts. Don't worry, we’ll let you know when something comes up.
When we have a notification to send, we assess which parts of the Porirua region are likely to find the message relevant. For example:
Each post shows which of your saved places it relates to, with the place’s nickname displayed at the top left.
For example, if you’ve have saved three places (your home, your work and your mother’s house for instance) you will see that for a rates reminder (a district wide message) all three nicknames appear at the top as this post is relevant to all three places. You can opt out of receiving this type of post for any or all of your places.
The Antenno app uses Google as the source for its address data. This means that when Google Maps is updated with a newly created property address, the address will appear in Antenno.
Antenno works by sending notifications to whichever parts of the district are relevant for that particular information, so an interim measure can be to find the nearest address that does appear in Antenno (or even a street name rather than a specific address, although if you’re doing this we recommend you choose a short street). We suggest this because generally nearby addresses will receive the same notification.
If you’ve spotted something that needs fixing – like graffiti, a broken street light, or a pothole – you can let Porirua City Council know via Antenno reports. It’s quick and easy. Just go into “your reports” and click the “+” sign on the top right, choose a report type and follow the prompts.
You can add up to three photos too – you don’t have to, but it can really help with some types of reports. You’ll need to add a location that’s in Porirua as the report will be sent to Porirua City Council’s Customer Services team. We also need your contact details, which will help us to get in touch if we need more information (but your report will only come through to Council and we won’t share your details with anyone else).
Reports sent after hours may not be actioned until the next business day. If something needs immediate attention, please call the Customer Services Team on 04 237 5089 (24 hours a day, seven days a week). In an emergency, please dial 111.
No. You will need to create a new Antenno request, but you can link it to the previous request by referencing the AR or Antenno Report number.
If you want to report something in a category that’s not covered in Antenno, you can call Porirua City Council on 04 237 5089 or email [email protected]
For assistance and support for the mobile app, please contact the Antenno team – just email [email protected].