Trucks servicing sites

Large trucks and diggers should only enter or exit construction sites using the specially constructed pads provided.

Trucks should use vehicle entry/exit pads

Large trucks (including cement trucks) and diggers should only enter onto construction sites if there is a vehicle entry/exit pad in place.

When mixing up any building material, such as cement, this should be done wholly within the private property boundaries.  No small piles of sand must be placed for any period of time on the grass verges, footpaths or roads.

Cement trucks must not wash down their vehicles on the roads.  This should be done on the site which they are servicing and the water managed on the site. 

Silt and Sediment Control - Trucks Servicing Sites - 15-deliverytruck

The photo above shows a large timber delivery truck accessing a building site using the vehicle entry/exit pad installed.  This is good.