Stabilised vehicle entry/exits

Help stop silt and sediment getting onto the road by constructing and using a vehicle entry/exit pad to the site.

How to stop silt and sediment getting onto the road

The primary purpose of a vehicle entry/exit pad is to prevent sediment being tracked onto the road from vehicles' tyres.

Locate the stabilised entry-exit pad in the location where the vehicles are going to access and exit the site and ensure that it is an appropriate shape for trucks and vehicles to access it, constructing it on an angle if appropriate.

The vehicle pad should be at least 4metres wide with a geotextile base to prevent the aggregate from being sinking into the ground. The aggregate used should be 50–150mm in size and should have been washed (no fines).

No aggregate from the vehicle entry/exit pad should spill out on the road, cross-over to the kerb and channel, or edge of kerb and channel. If this does occur, this needs to be removed immediately. If any mud/sediment is deposited onto the road, this should be swept from the surface of the road back onto the site (not washed or swept into drains).

A well installed stabilised exit.

Driveway installation

There should not be more than a couple of days in between the vehicle entry pad being removed and the driveway being laid.

The entry/exit vehicle pad used during building construction may need to be removed or shifted prior to the driveway being laid. During this time, no vehicles are to enter onto the site to prevent the tracking of mud off the site.

Vehicle cross-overs and driveways must be completed before new buildings are occupied. The Council's standard specification must be built, unless otherwise approved by the Council's roading department.

When constructing an exposed aggregate driveway, ensure that washout goes onto the site for treatment or is captured appropriately and this washout does not go onto the road and into stormwater drains.

Please ensure that all vehicles entering and exiting the site use the stabilised entry/exit.