Vehicle entry/exit pads

Help stop silt and sediment getting onto the road by constructing and using a vehicle entry/exit pad to the site.

How to stop silt and sediment getting onto the road

The primary purpose of a vehicle entry/exit pad is to stop sediment being tracked onto the road from vehicles' tyres.

Think about the most practical and efficient way that vehicles are going to access the building site and locate the vehicle entry-exit pad in this location, with an appropriate shape, constructing it on an angle if appropriate.  Locating the pad upslope is better than the lowest point/corner of the site, so as to avoid muddiness.

The vehicle pad should extend into the site, equivalent to one truck's length (approximately 6-7 metres), and/or up to the point where the garage is to be constructed.       

At least six cubic metres of larger sized shingle/rocks should be placed to the front of sites ahead of construction/ earthworks being undertaken on the site.

This photo shows that if there is a footpath to protect with the vehicle pad, as well as using the pad to ensuring that mud is not tracked onto the road, it is acceptable to use shingle.

Silt and Sediment Control - Vehicle entry-exit pads - 7-entrypad
Silt and Sediment Control - Vehicle entry-exit pads - 8-entrypad

This photo shows that if there is no footpath to protect, larger sized hardcore should be used at size 45-75 millimetres.

No shingle/rocks from the vehicle entry/exit pad shall spill out on the road, cross-over to the kerb and channel, or edge of kerb and channel. This is because it will likely be washed into the stormwater drains.

If shingle is spilt onto the road and/or kerb and channel, this must be swept up and re-deposited onto the site.  Do not wash it away down the street and into the stormwater drains.

If the portion of the vehicle pad inside the site gets well-worn, especially relevant during wet periods, more shingle must be placed down.

The number of vehicles entering onto the site should be limited to essential need.

Once the vehicle entry/exit pad is constructed, please use it, as opposed to using the other side of the site's frontage to access.