Partnership with mana whenua

Our mana whenua play a key role in the decisions we make in Porirua City

We engage with Ngāti Toa through their iwi authority, Te Rūnanga O Toa Rangatira. The council and Te Rūnanga have signed a strategic partnership agreement

Council and Ngāti Toa Rangatira reaffirm partnership

Porirua City Council and Ngāti Toa Rangatira commit to working together with Partnership Agreement.

This agreement outlines our shared commitment to our partnership with each other and to the future wellbeing of Porirua. 

It provides the opportunity for Te Rūnanga to contribute to Council decisions and to provide leadership with the Council for Porirua. 

This is done through input into the following types of activities:

  • advice and input into policy, strategy and management plans.
  • consultation on resource consents.
  • input into the Long-term plan and annual plan.
  • cultural advice on specific projects.

Te Rūnanga’s chairperson, Taku Parai, is also Porirua City’s kaumātua. He provides tikanga Māori advice and support, and can attend all council and committee meetings with full speaking rights.

Ngāti Toa Rangatira