Single transferable voting

What STV is

Porirua uses the single transferable voting (STV) method for local elections for the mayor and councillor positions. This is a preference-based ranking system for candidates.

Voters can rank as few or as many candidates as they like.

The votes are called ‘transferable’ because the votes can transfer between candidates (based on their ranking) to ensure a vote contributes to the election of at least one candidate the voter likes.

If a candidate for councillor is a clear winner for the position and does not need all the votes they receive, a proportion is transferred to the voter’s next preference. This ensures all votes contribute to candidates. This works the same if a candidate is not popular and receives too few votes, those votes are transferred to a voter’s next preference.

More details about how STV works can be found here.

Single transferable voting is used all over our country at other councils. Here's an explanation done by Tauranga City Council.

Learn Ako Stand E tū Vote Pōti

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