How to vote

How you can deliver your vote, what you'll be voting on and how to get help voting.

Postal voting

Local elections are by postal vote everywhere in Aotearoa New Zealand. Your voting documents will be delivered to you (at the address you’re enrolled under), and your vote needs to be posted or put in a ballot bin to make it count.

You can return your completed voting documents to one of the following:

  • any of our specially marked ballot bins around Porirua city by viewing our map
  • any post box (up until Tuesday 7 October 2025). Post boxes around Porirua can be found here
  • Council’s Administration Building, at 16 Cobham Court, Porirua city centre (open Monday – Friday between 8am – 5pm)
  • one of our libraries around Porirua city (find your library here).

If you’re already enrolled to vote, check your mailbox for your voting papers between Tuesday 9 September and Monday 22 September. If you haven’t received voting papers by the last date, have a chat to one of our staff members to arrange a special vote for you.

What you'll be voting on

Mayor of Porirua City Council

No matter which Electoral Roll you’re on or where in Porirua city you live, you can vote for who you want to be the city’s Mayor and represent you.

Councillors of Porirua City Council

Depending on which ward you’re in (Parirua Māori, Pāuatahanui General, or Onepoto General Ward), you’ll have a selection of candidates running for a Councillor position in that ward.

Councillors of Greater Wellington Regional Council

Depending on which ward you’re in (Te Upoko o te Ika a Māui Māori or Porirua-Tawa constituency), you’ll have a selection of candidates running for a Councillor position in that constituency.

Poll questions for Porirua City Council and Greater Wellington Regional Council

This year, there will be additional questions asking voters whether they want to keep or remove Porirua’s Māori Ward and Greater Wellington Regional Council’s Māori Constituency.

The majority vote of the poll (over 50% of voters) will decide the future of the Māori Ward and Māori Constituency with the results of the poll being effective from 2028.

The format of the poll questions will be posted here when released.

Voting locations

Find information on how to return your vote here!

Special voting

Find out what a special vote is and how you can get a special vote.

Single-transferable voting

Find out more about single-transferable voting (STV), which is used in our local elections.

Assistance with voting

If you’re unable to complete the voting documents, speak to one of our election staff members by calling 04 237 5089 to find a solution. In some cases, you can authorise someone you trust to complete the voting document on your behalf. In other cases, you can get assistance to complete the voting documents yourself.

Learn Ako Stand E tū Vote Pōti

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