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Antenno a new tool for info & reporting

Antenno report rubbish

Reporting something to us is easy using the free mobile app Antenno.

The Council is rolling out a new tool as part of its focus on improving customer service and communication. The free mobile app Antenno sends helpful updates on things like water outages, traffic snarl ups and road closures, along with posts about events, and more.

Andrew Dalziel, Porirua City’s Acting General Manager Customer and Community, says there’s no need to check multiple sources of information to get alerts about what’s going on around Porirua – Antenno will send you posts about topics and places you care about.

“You can choose to receive alerts about where you live, your workplace, your kids’ school, or any place that’s important to you – and you can opt out of receiving types of topics, at any or all of your places, so you’ll only get posts that are relevant to you,” says Mr Dalziel.

You can also use the Antenno app to tell us about something that needs fixing or report something directly to us.

“If you see some graffiti, find a pot hole, or spot a street light that’s out, you can report it quickly and easily using the app. Just go to the ‘Your reports’ menu and add a report to tell us about it. If you’ve taken a photo, you can add that to your report as well,” he says.

You’ll need to add a name and location that’s in Porirua as the report will be sent directly to Porirua City Council’s Customer Services team (and we’ll keep that information private).

“The Antenno app is address based, so doesn’t have your personal information, but if you’re making a report, it will ask for your contact details, so we can follow up if we need to.”

Download the free Antenno app today from the App Store or Google Play and save places you care about and we’ll let you know when something relevant to your chosen place(s) happens. To find out more, visit our Antenno page:

25 Mar 2019