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Committee wrap - 3 October 2024

committee wrap pic

A meeting of council’s Te Puna Kōrero committee was held this morning, Thursday 3 October. Te Puna Kōrero is the main committee that makes decisions about the city’s strategic direction and framework. It is made up of the Mayor, all councillors and the Council Kaumātua.

Here is a wrap of what was covered:

There were two reports before the committee today. The first related to proposed changes to the Transport Bylaw to address safety issues near Plimmerton’s Hongoeka Marae.

Members of the marae had previously raised concerns about traffic speeds and the lack of a defined turning area on Moana Road, meaning vehicles often drove on the private road to the marae and turned outside the waharoa (entrance gate).

Council officers worked with members of the marae board to address their concerns and recommended creating a turning area, and raised safety platform on Moana Road, requiring the removal of some carparks. The recommendations were agreed to by the Council, but in the notification process that followed there were objections from two residents relating to the loss of parking spaces.

Based on the objections, today’s report recommended changes to the original recommendations, meaning one fewer car park would be removed. The committee agreed to the amended resolutions.

The second report was the Dog Control Annual Report, which covers dog control activities during the period 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024.

The report showed that Animal Control responded to 1728 requests for service during the year, very similar numbers to the year before. These included 898 reports of roaming or uncontrolled dogs, 285 complaints about nuisance barking, 84 lost dogs, 80 incidents of dogs acting aggressively, and 41 incidents of stock roaming or straying onto public roads. In total, 413 dogs were impounded, 54 less than last year. There were 962 infringement notices issued, and no prosecutions.

After discussion and questions, the committee approved the report.

There were no speakers in the public forum.

Missed today’s meeting? You can watch it in full and read all the associated papers on the meetings page of our website. You can also see what meetings and workshops are coming up, with agendas posted a few days before each one.

The public is welcome to attend most Council meetings and workshops. They are also livestreamed on our YouTube channel here:

3 Oct 2024