If you want to pay your rates, buy some rubbish bags or speak to a Porirua City Council officer, you will have to do it in a new location from 10 December.
On Friday, 7 December, the front counter of the council administration building at Cobham Court will close at 1pm. It will re-open at noon the next Monday at 14 Hartham Place North, the former Kapi-Mana News office at the bottom of the BNZ Partners building.
The shift is part of the major project to upgrade the administration building, which is getting its first major refurbishment since it opened in 1967.
The old Kapi-Mana News office will be completely re-organised to make it fit for purpose, says Jerry Wrenn, Council’s General Manager People & Capability.
“We wanted to keep the front counter somewhere central and this is an ideal spot for us, so we can keep delivering those essential council services,” he said.
There will be wayfinding signs placed in the windows of the administration building, pointing people across the road to the temporary location.
The purchase of the water tanks can be done at the new front counter, but you will have to head to the Council depot in Prosser St to collect them.
Work to occur on the administration building, which will get underway before Christmas and take much of 2019, includes seismic resilience wrapping, removal of asbestos and better ventilation.
While the building is out of
action, council officers will be located in buildings around the city.
“To continue with our customer service, we have located some key roles with the front counter team,” Mr Wrenn said. “However, as many of our staff are located elsewhere, please call 04 237 5089 to make an appointment to ensure the right person is available to meet with you when you come in.”
From 12 December, public Council meetings will take place upstairs at Te Rauparaha Arena, in meeting rooms 1 and 2.
21 Nov 2018