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Extension ideas for Spicer Landfill

Spicer Landfill

A draft design for extending Spicer Landfill will be available for comment at a series of public information sessions in July.

This is the next step in Council’s plan to apply for a resource consent to extend the landfill.

Mayor Anita Baker says that while Council has been planning for this scenario since 2009 the rate at which the landfill is running out of room has accelerated with the growth of the city.

"We’d all like to see less rubbish going to landfill, and we’re all working hard to make better choices about what we buy, reducing the amounts we use, reusing what we can, and recycling what’s left. But our current reality is that even with all our efforts we are going to need more room for waste by about 2026."

David Down, Manager, Water and Waste says discussions so far this year with iwi, the community and key stakeholders have highlighted areas to address before the resource consent application is lodged at the end of the year.

"The types of issues raised include odour, wind-blown rubbish, alternative sites possibilities, protection of our waterways and recreation areas and the visibility of an extension for nearby residents."

"In the case of odour and windblown rubbish there have been a raft of immediate actions we have put in place to improve the situation. The nature of landfilling means that some of these issues are quite challenging but it’s imperative we put good operational practices in place before we can hope for an extension to be granted."

Mr Down says the other issues raised have either been included into technical studies as part of the consent application and/or addressed in the draft design.

The public sessions will provide information draft design of the extension and the types of protection we need to put in place to minimise things like odour, and to protect our waterways, plants and animals.

How to have your say

Your input and views will help us fine-tune the plans to extend the landfill. Come along to our public sessions:

- Tuesday 5 July 6.30-8pm - Tawa Community Centre

- Wednesday 6 July 12.30-2pm - Helen Smith room - Pātaka

- Thursday 7 July 7-8pm - Zoom. Register for your Zoom session and send us your questions by Tuesday 5 July to

You can also find out more at local libraries, on our website and by email or phone

For more information visit

21 Jun 2022