Ecologists from 4Sight relocating fish from the duck pond last week.
The project at the duck pond at Aotea Lagoon is progressing well, with about 500 fish relocated to local streams.
Porirua City Council ecologists and contractors have spent the past week capturing longfin eel (tuna), shortfin eel, inanga galaxiid and bullies as the first step in the project to fill in the duck pond.
Following the fish removal, sludge will be dredged into geo-bags, before fill is brought from behind Porirua Park to fill in the pond. Ultimately, the pond will be transformed into a landscaped lawn, with a naturalised stream.
Pathways around the pond will be closed off during this project, which is expected to take until mid-year, and access from the gates opposite the police college will be restricted.
The playground and splash pad remains open.
22 Feb 2022