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We know how important it is to keep in touch. We publish news in lots of different ways. These are our official media releases and other news updates.

From your Mayor - 13 August 2024

Mayor Anita Baker-extend-base-768x402px

Our Council is asking you to help us take care of the streets, parks, playgrounds and facilities in our city. By making a complaint or letting us know of a problem you have seen in your community, you can help us fix it.

Council staff work incredibly hard to keep our city at its best, but they can’t be everywhere. You
can help them by being their eyes and ears on the ground.

Potholes, broken footpaths, fallen trees, burst water pipes and flooding, tagging, vandalism, aggressive dogs and even vehicles illegally parked in mobility spaces are the kinds of things we need to know about. When we know about them, we can add them to our work schedule and fix them.

If you come across something that needs fixing, don’t just assume others have reported it.

If you don’t make a complaint, we may not know about the issue, and it could go unresolved for longer than necessary. The more people contact us, the quicker problems in our communities will be identified and the quicker they can be fixed.

If you are unsure that the problem you find is a Council matter, report it anyway as we have good links with organisations such as Chorus and NZTA, and can alert them to get it fixed.

Our Council also wants to know if our services or the actions of our staff haven’t been up to standard. Your feedback in this area matters as it helps us improve and where possible, make things right.

There are several ways to get in touch. You can send us an email: [email protected] or make contact through our Council’s Antenno app and online customer portal.

However, if your concern is urgent, a phone call to our Contact Centre (04 237 5089) ensures that your message is received and prioritised for the quickest possible resolution.

13 Aug 2024