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Help decide the future of water services


The new Porirua wastewater storage tank will help improve the health of the harbour.

We are seeking community feedback from 20 March on how we manage our drinking water, wastewater and stormwater networks as part of our Annual Plan consultation.

Under Local Water Done Well, the Government has said the way we manage water in New Zealand needs to change. We’re proposing two options for the future of water services in Porirua and our region – a new multi-council-owned water organisation (our preferred option) and a modified version of the current Wellington Water model.

Porirua Mayor Anita Baker says our region’s water system is ageing, with major investment needed to upgrade assets.

“Around 21% of the Wellington region’s water infrastructure is worn out, and around 40% of water is being wasted through leaks.

“We’ve been working to improve and replace some of our major water infrastructure – the city centre wastewater storage tank that is currently being built, the recently completed upgrade of the main sewer pipe through Bothamley Park – in partnership with Kāinga Ora – and laying new pipes along Waitangirua Link Road (which will link up to the new reservoir that’s being built at the end of Stemhead Lane).

“The completion of these projects will make a marked positive impact on the future health of Te-Awarua-o-Porirua Harbour,” she says.

“But significant further investment is needed, and it’s more than individual councils and ratepayers can afford.”

We’ve been working with other councils in the Wellington region, along with mana whenua, to decide on the best way forward for water services.

Porirua has joined with Hutt City, Upper Hutt City, Wellington City and Greater Wellington Regional Councils and together we are proposing a new joint water organisation.

You can read about these two options and have your say before midnight 20 April 2025:

18 Mar 2025