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It’s full steam ahead for Aotea Lagoon’s miniature train

News - Aotea Lagoon’s miniature train

Note: the popular miniature train service at Aotea Lagoon runs most Sundays, weather permitting.

In summer (once daylight saving starts) it runs from 1pm to 4pm, while winter is 12 noon to 3pm. All times are approximate and weather permitting.

The popular miniature train at Aotea Lagoon in Porirua is back on track.

You’ll be able to hop on board this Labour Weekend, as the Lions Club of Aotea Railway celebrates the opening with free rides on Sunday and Monday (22-23 October).

“We’re really thrilled to be back,” says engine driver and Lions club member Kevin Wright. ”A big thanks to the Council for all the work they’ve done with us to repair and upgrade the track so we can start running the train again.”

Council Project Manager Philip Royle says the service stopped running in 2015 mainly because of rust and decay affecting the track.

Since then:

  • 90 metres of track has been replaced using track sourced by the Lions
  • a new bridge has been built over the duck pond
  • about 50 sleepers have been replaced
  • drainage has been improved under parts of the track
  • a build-up of silt has been cleared from under the track
  • safety fencing has been put up in several sections
  • new doors and a mural have been painted on the tunnel.

The 832m track runs around the park from a small station at the southern end of the lagoon. The loop takes about five minutes on the train.

“This is a fantastic attraction for children and their families, so we’re really pleased we’ve been able to help get the service back on track,” says Mr Royle.

While the track repairs have been done, the Lions have been spending the weekends doing maintenance and tidying up the engine and carriages so they’re ready for action.

The Aotea Lagoon miniature train service has been running since 1979, in fact Mr Wright remembers taking his own children and became involved, as a driver and maintenance volunteer, when his grandchildren were young.

“I joined as a volunteer 17 years ago and I’ve been down there every Sunday since…I love it.  I absolutely love it.  It’s the kids; their laughter and satisfaction, the screams in the tunnel.  It’s a million dollars to the young ones.”

“There’s been so much interest in getting the trains running again. I’ve already got three party bookings for December,” says Mr Wright.

The miniature train will run every Sunday from 12 noon to 3pm all year round (weather permitting) with rides costing $2.50 (children aged three and under are free). 

16 Oct 2017