Happy New Year. I hope you had a restful summer break with friends and whānau.
There are so many amazing things happening in and around our city in 2019.
Our Waitangi Day festival will be held on Porirua’s beautiful waterfront again with a big variety of family activities. It’s fitting that our taonga Te Awarua-o-Porirua Harbour and our mana whenua
Ngāti Toa Rangatira will take centre stage. The day promises to be better than ever!
It’s great news that we’ll see the first public housing built as part of the Porirua Development this year.
The Government is working alongside the community, the Council and Ngāti Toa to build 5,000 warm, dry healthy homes in Porirua over the next 25 years.
These are truly exciting times. We also have Transmission Gully Motorway opening next year, development at Kenepuru Landing, planning for the Porirua Adventure Park underway, and investment in large greenfield housing.
It’s so important that we plan for these big changes in a smart and proactive way. The growth identified so far represents more than $2 billion of investment and will create opportunities in Porirua that haven’t been seen in decades.
To help shape and guide all this change and manage the impacts of development on our harbour, we’ve put together a draft Growth Strategy for community consultation.
We’ll be running a series of drop-in sessions later this month and the start of the next for you to ask any questions about the draft strategy.
We’d love to hear your thoughts, and submissions are open until 8 February.
In the meantime, I’m looking forward to this weekend’s Summer Concert Series, with a great line-up of fantastic entertainers.
See you there
11 Jan 2019