You can report things that need fixing easily using the mobile app Antenno.
One of our stated objectives for the future of our city is to be connected and progressive and that means we all need to embrace new technology as it become available to enhance our daily lives. Recently Porirua City Council launched Antenno in Porirua – a free mobile app that automatically sends out posts about places and topics you care about.
Already we’re getting great feedback about the new app. People have told us that they want to be kept up to date about what’s happening around Porirua and want to be able to report things to us quickly and easily, so Antenno is establishing itself as a great easy-to-use tool for people of all ages.
Saving places you care about – like your home, where your whānau live, where your tamariki go to school, or where you work – means you can keep up to date about what’s happening. You’ll get posts about things that affect those places, like water outages and road works, as well as posts about events and things happening around Porirua.
Here’s another day-to-day way that Antenno can help you. Last year we launched our awesome recycling service, but it can be tricky to remember which day is mixed recycling and which day is for mixed and glass. Sign up to Antenno, add your home address, and you’ll never miss a recycling day again! Antenno will tell you, right when you need to know.
Are you worried about receiving too much information? It’s also easy to opt out of topics that don’t apply to a particular place, so you’ll only get the posts you want. You can share the posts using Messenger, Facebook or email too.
We’ve got lots of different ways of letting people know about events and updates but Antenno send alerts to the home screen of your phone or tablet, so you can see at a glance what’s happening.
It’s also easy to report things that need fixing using Antenno. You can add pictures to your reports too and tag the location, so Council staff can easily see what sort of response is needed. Naturally, anything that needs urgent attention should still be reported by phone to Council on 04 237 5089. This is a 24/7 number.
Don’t be afraid to try the new app. As I said at the start, technology can enhance our lives if we take the time to embrace it. Download it from the App Store or get it on Google Play and tell your friends, neighbours and whānau to sign up for it.
29 Apr 2019