Noha Ibrahim and Alice Ching-Wen Pitt from Porirua Libraries
With the social isolation caused by Covid-19, libraries have more than ever become a hub for people to connect – with each other and, through technology, with the wider world.
With this in mind, Porirua Libraries have created a series of programmes to help combat social isolation and enrich people’s daily lives.
“Public libraries have been identified as key hubs for inclusion and community cohesion, and we have a real role to play in helping people connect,” says Community Outreach Co-ordinator Shamila Gurr.
“Some of our new programmes are about having fun and getting to know others – our book clubs, board games and non-fiction group – and others offer very practical help, like our free digital courses and technology help.”
People can book a free one-on-one session with a library technician for help with a CV, setting up an email account, online job applications or general computer help.
There are also a series of digital courses for seniors at the city centre library, covering a range of topics such as how to do online shopping, set up digital banking, manage your photos, solve problems online and how to keep yourself safe while browsing. Another module focuses on seniors who want to pursue their hobbies and connect with others online and gives pointers on which digital device is right for your needs.
“We aren’t all super tech savvy, and that could mean people are missing out on meaningful opportunities,” says Noha Ibrahim, the Digital Inclusion librarian.
“Throughout the winter months we have lots happening at our libraries, so we’d love you to come on down for a visit, a chat and a smile.”
For more information on all the programmes on offer visit or pop in to your local branch.
27 May 2021