Cobham Court car park is now Zone 1: Premium Parking – up to 2-hour time limit per stay.
From next week there will be new time limits and charges in place for parking in some parts of Porirua.
Council consulted on and made the decision to introduce paid parking last year, as part of the Long-term Plan process, in order to balance the changing needs of the city and the impact of rates.
There will four paid parking zones, and it’s important to note most parks have a free period of 30 minutes or an hour before any charges apply.
Charges vary and only apply Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm.
Porirua Mayor Anita Baker says paid parking is one way to move the cost from ratepayers to a user-pays system, which helps keep rates lower.
“Rates increases have already been set at 7.65 per cent for the next two years – without paid parking, this would increase to 8.42 per cent,” she says.
“With the first hour or half hour free in most parks, customers will still be able to shop locally without paying for parking. And we’ve made sure there are long-term parking options for those working in the city.”
There is still free parking available near the CBD, on Heriot Drive (near the Police station) for example, but with new time limits and locations. Customers using Te Rauparaha Arena, Pātaka or the central library can park free for up to three hours in the Te Rauparaha Arena carpark.
The paid parking system will use a Pay by Plate system and you can move your vehicle to different parks within the same zone while you still have parking time available.
If you use the short-stay parks, you must still enter your plate into the machine or PayMyPark app to get the free time available. The free period can be used once per day per zone.
For more detailed information on the zones, and how the system will work, visit
25 Jan 2022