Boaties regularly park across multiple parks at Ngāti Toa Domain.
Boaties are being asked to park responsibly at Ngāti Toa Domain.
Many different sports activities share Ngāti Toa Domain, which is causing problems with access and parking.
At peak times boaties using nearby ramps at the Paremata bridges and the Mana Cruising Club have been parking their vehicles and trailers in different spots around the Domain, often for many hours and length-ways across a number of single parking spaces, or on grass verges.
It becomes difficult for users of the popular Domain to find spots to park, particularly during sports and the weekends.
“The boaties are creating a hazard with some of their parking choices, cutting down others’ opportunities to utilise the Domain in summer,” says Council Parks Manager Olivia Dovey.
“We want everyone to be able to enjoy what Ngāti Toa Domain has to offer, but a few are spoiling it for many. We are receiving regular complaints about people’s frustration on this issue.”
Ms Dovey says the Council doesn't want to put up signage about this, as it is a common courtesy that is being flouted. However, a bylaw could be established, giving Council enforcement powers to write tickets.
Mana Cruising Club Manager Tony O’Conner was supportive of Council’s position. He says they expect their members to park their vehicles and trailers respectfully, with the public in mind.
“It’s a great time of year to be out on the water. But on the land, we want our members to park in our facilities or find a suitable spot.
“Sometimes cars parking along the access road can restrict or block off access to the Mana Cruising Club and Mana Marina, and vehicles with boat trailers do take up spaces where cars could park. However, we expect our members not to park over designated car parks and to be considerate. We will be talking to our members and regular boat ramp users about this.”
20 Feb 2020