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Pasifika/Māori focus for business ideas in Porirua

Startup Pasifika Weekend November

People wanting to try their hand at launching a startup business can put their ideas and skills into action at Porirua’s Startup Weekend Pasifika.

An action packed weekend is planned from 5pm on Friday 3 November until 9pm on Sunday 5 November.

The event – supported by Pacific Business Trust and by Porirua City Council – aims to bring business ideas to life. David Wilson, Pacific Business Trust Business Growth Manager, says Startup Weekends are where people build new businesses from scratch over a weekend.

“Everyone is welcome and we have a special focus on people of Pacific Island or Māori heritage – if you want to try your hand at a startup, then this event is for you.”

“You’ll meet other people with ideas, developers, and designers, form a team, and get help from mentors, coaches, and experts who are there just to help you and your business take off.”

Mr Wilson says by registering through the Pacific Business Trust website people can receive a heavily discounted rate.

Eteuati Ete from the Laughing Samoans will be running the event, alongside Startup Weekend veteran Dave Moskovitz. Ete says the weekend will begin with Friday night pitches and continue through brainstorming, business plan development, and basic prototype creation, then finish on Sunday night with demos and presentations. Participants will create working startups during the event and be able to collaborate with like-minded individuals outside of their daily networks. All teams will hear and receive valuable feedback from local entrepreneurs.

“If you want to change the world and know you won't be happy working for someone else for the rest of your life, come to Startup Weekend and build your new business. It's hard work, but it's crazy fun, and you'll make new lifelong friends from all walks of life,” Mr Moskovitz says.

Porirua Mayor Mike Tana is stoked to see another type of business startup come to Porirua. “This startup is quite different in its approach. There are lots of fantastic ideas in our community and people in Porirua have a warm, welcoming approach and the drive to get things done. This is a great opportunity to work together with others to build your and their ideas into something real,” he says.

“I was privileged to see and hear from graduates at our recent PopUp Business School Porirua graduation and am excited to see their business ideas progress. This is another, more concentrated opportunity for people to make their business ideas a reality. It’s is a continuation of a real focus on supporting growth and entrepreneurship in Porirua.”

The course is being held at Whitireia Polytechnic, Wi Neera Drive, Porirua from 3–5 November.

Register your interest now at

18 Oct 2017