Karl Butters is not a fan of cleaning up after other people’s dogs and wants dog owners to bag it and bin it.
Dog walkers make good use of Porirua’s parks and reserves often and with daylight saving and summer coming up, chances are there will more be more people out and about, enjoying Porirua’s many parks, reserves and walkways.
Walking your dog comes with the responsibility of cleaning up the mess your pooch makes – not picking it up puts you in contravention of Porirua’s Dog Control Bylaw, and creates a health and safety issue for other park users and Council staff.
Last week, Butters, Council’s Senior Track & Coastal Ranger, said a Council employee was using a weed trimmer at a Porirua reserve and struck a large amount of dog poo.
It splattered all over the employees’ face, mouth and body.
“That’s not anything anyone should have to deal with,” Butters said.
“I can’t understand why some people don’t pick up after their dogs – a few irresponsible dog owners can spoil a nice walk or day at the park or beach.”
The bylaw states that if a dog does its business in a public place, the excrement must be immediately removed. Owners are also required to clearly carry something, such as a plastic bag, to pick up after their dog.
Butters said dog owners must get in the habit of carrying bags with them, and maybe keeping spares in the car.
“It’s not just bagging that needs to be done – if it doesn’t get binned as well, it just creates a longer-lasting hazard for other walkers and workers.
“In Porirua we’re blessed with incredible places to walk the dog, and it’s healthy for both of you to get out there often.
“So it’s not too much to ask to clean up after your dog to keep our green spaces clean for everyone to enjoy.”
26 Sep 2018