The intersection of Kenepuru Drive and Raiha Street
is under way on improving a busy intersection in Kenepuru, to address growth in
the city and prepare for increased traffic flows from Transmission Gully.
A roundabout is being built at the intersection of Kenepuru Drive and Raiha Street, as part of a series of projects to enhance the Kenepuru roading corridor for cyclists, pedestrians, motorists and public transport users, with a focus on improving safety and efficiency.
Another project in the pipeline to address this growth is a shared pathway – running in front of ESR to the bottom of Bluff Road – to cater for pedestrians and cyclists with a crossing point across Kenepuru Drive to connect to Kenepuru Station. Access to the station was enhanced earlier this year, with improved lighting and resurfacing.
Traffic volumes are forecast to increase significantly with the opening of Transmission Gully, so the roundabout has been selected, and designed, to help keep traffic flowing through the intersection safely. Local businesses and residents had input into the design process.
Porirua Mayor Anita Baker says both projects will enhance what is becoming a very busy part of the city.
“There is significant additional growth in the area with the new Kenepuru Landing development and the Summerset retirement village,” Mayor Baker says.
“Both the roundabout that’s now underway, and the planned shared pathway, are about building a connected, accessible city that helps everyone get where they want to go – be it on foot, by mobility scooter, bicycle or in a car.
“Porirua City is growing, and we’re preparing for that”.
Construction on the roundabout is expected to be complete in November 2020, weather-permitting, and work will be carried out at night where possible to avoid disruption.
16 Sep 2020