Kirihimete in the City 2024

Enjoy Christmas cheer in Porirua City!

christmas in the city 2024, 2

Download the Christmas Carol Song list here. [pdf, 204KB]

Kirihimete in the City

Sunday 15 December
3.30pm – 7.30pm
Te Rauparaha Park &
Pātaka + Art Museum

Bring your friends and whānau to sing carols with Nick Tansley, buy some gifts from local stallholders, and enjoy Christmas cheer in Porirua City!

You can find the festivities at Te Rauparaha Park and inside Pātaka Art + Museum:

What's on

Te Rauparaha Park

Market stalls
Food trucks

5pm – 7.30pm
Christmas Carols with Nick Tansley
Santa’s Grotto and face painting

Please note if the weather is poor, our activities planned for the park will be moved into Te Rauparaha Arena and start at 5pm.

Pātaka Art + Museum

3.30pm – 5.30pm
Face painting
Live music

3.30pm – 7.30pm
Christmas craft activities
Market stalls
Food trucks (Norrie St carpark)

Christmas in the City 2024

Getting there

Catch the train to Porirua and either walk or ride an e-scooter around the harbour pathway to the venue.

There are also nearby public bus stops on Norrie St and Lyttelton Ave.

Available on surrounding streets such as Wi Neera Dr or you can leave your car at the railway station and take the short walk to Te Rauparaha Park.

There are 7 accessible carparks available on a first come, first served basis, located in the Te Rauparaha Arena car park.

For those driving there, Te Rauparaha Arena has free three-hour car parking available.

On-street parking in the Porirua city centre is free at the weekend.