You need to check whether a permit is needed for your sign, either on public or private land or buildings. You can find the information in the areas below.
You may need a building consent, and/or a resource consent for any sign that:
Find out more at - check if you need consents.
You need a permit for all signs, whether they’re on public or private land or buildings.
Having a community sign no longer requires a permit.
To ensure safety you must comply with the approval conditions & sign requirements outlined below - as our berms contain underground public utilities.
Promote the community and local groups while maintaining the overall look of an area and ensuring public safety when placing signs around Porirua City.
8.1 Community signs are permitted for the purposes of promoting any forthcoming event, community organisation and providing community information without advertising for other goods or services. Community signage must:
a, be placed on the approved sites only (Schedule 1). Only one sign per site per event or activity;
(a) no face of the sign exceeds 6 square metres in surface area; and
(b) the top of the sign does not exceed 3 metres in height above the supporting ground level.
8.2 Signs cannot be placed or displayed:
8.3 All community signs must comply with section 6.7
2020 Signs Bylaw Policy Document
Schedule 1, Approved Public sign sites
A number of locations throughout Porirua City have been pre-approved for community sign display. The sites have been chosen with a view to:
Map - Electioneering/Advertising Signs and Hoardings - Public Display Sites
Real estate signs do not require a permit but must meet the following requirements:
10.1 Real estate signs are permitted for the purpose of advertising for sale, lease, rent or auction the whole or part of land or premises. Any real estate sign must:
a. be displayed on the property to which it relates.
b. be free standing or attached to the wall or fence of the property to which it relates. Not on the berm in front of the property.
c. be removed within 30 days of the ‘sold’ or ‘leased’ notification being placed on the sign.
d. not exceed a height of two metres above ground level.
e. not exceed a surface area of two square metres (e.g. up to 1.4 metres in height and 1.4 metres in width).
f. not be placed in a manner so as to create a hazard or obstruction for members of the public.
g. Not have more than one (1) temporary sign on any land or premises (being a sign advertising that land or premises for sale, auction or lease) for each real estate agency involved in the sale, auction or leasing of that land or premises.
10.2 Where a property does not have direct road frontage real estate signage may be displayed as close as practical outside the property to which it relates.
10.3 Directional real estate signage is to be put out and removed on same day of the auction or open home.
10.4 Real estate flags or banners may be displayed on a stationary vehicle during the time of an open home or onsite auction, so long as neither the flag or banner nor any supporting structure protrudes from the side of the vehicle.
10.5 All real estate signs must comply with section 6.7.
If any agents wish to have the sign conditions modified for any particular site then please complete the application form below for approval
The following is information on the displaying of sandwich board advertising signs and flags on public footpaths and in public areas in reference to the Signs Bylaw 2020
Sandwich Board means a two-sided sign that is self-supporting, portable and temporary.
Flag means a portable sign intended for the purposes of advertising or to attract attention which is made from fabric, textile or cloth, such as a teardrop flag or flag banner.
11.1 A person may display one (1) portable sign on the footpath outside a business for the purpose of advertising the services and products of that business. Portable signage must:
11.2 Where a sandwich board is used it must not exceed 0.9 metres in height and 0.6 metres in width.
11.3 Where a flag is used it must not exceed 2.2 metres in height and 0.7 metres in width.
11.4 All portable signs must comply with section 6.7
Sandwich Board Signs & Flags must meet a minimum standard
It is important that your sandwich board sign is of a professional design, appearance and construction standard.
Council Inspectors will remove and impound non-complying signage that is displayed in breach of conditions.
Please send a copy of your proposed sign to [email protected]