Building consents

No matter how big your project is – whether it involves renovating a multi-storey building or building a shed – you may need to apply for a building consent and/or a resource consent.

Apply for a building consent

Before you start your building project, visit  It has all the information you need to make sure that buildings that are safe, healthy and durable. You will also find more useful links at the end of this page.

Future Building Code Updates

Acceptable Solutions C/AS1 and C/AS2 were amended in November 2023 with a 12-month transition period that will end in November 2024.

They require interconnected smoke alarms in all new household units and homes where there are renovations that require a building consent, or a change of use.

The Acceptable Solutions cite NZS 4514: 2021 for the installation of alarms. With interconnected alarms, when one smoke alarm detects smoke, all alarms will sound. Models that connect wirelessly are available.

Do I require a building consent?

Check if you need a building consent [] and see if your planned work is exempt: building work consent not required []. If your proposed work is not exempt then you will need to apply for a building consent.

Use the CAN I BUILD IT tool to see if you require a building consent

If you’re not sure, phone us on (04) 237 5089 to book a pre-lodgement appointment and bring your application documents and plans with you.  For commercial building work, we recommend booking in for a pre-lodgement meeting.

Contact us by email: [email protected] or phone us on (04) 237 5089 to make an appointment.

Porirua City Council now has building consents applications available online:

When you are ready, follow the link and create an account. This is an email-verified account so is simple to do. You have the choice of signing in to it as an individual or an organisation. The organisation option allows you to have your work notifications going through that account and personal ones through a personal email.

Help tips are located throughout the application – simply hover over the question mark icons to find useful links and descriptions.

You can save your application at any stage and you are able share your application with other users, such as your architect or builder.

All documents need to be submitted in unzipped pdf format. Don’t lock or password protect your pdf files. Zipped files are not able to be uploaded.

The documents need to be collated into the below categories. If you are unable to manipulate pdfs from the software you are using, try searching Google. There are many cheap or free pdf printing tools that can be downloaded to assist you.

Application documents

  • Record of Title less than three months old or
  • current lease agreement and letter of approval from legal owner or
  • the Sale and Purchase agreement
  • LBP memorandum (architect)
  • LBP memorandum (engineer)
  • Owner/builder statutory declaration (Form 2B)


(examples only not an exhaustive list)

Architectural plans

  • location plan
  • site plan
  • floor plan
  • elevations
  • cross-sections
  • foundation plans
  • bracing plans
  • plumbing and drainage plan 

Structural plans

  • location plan
  • site plan
  • floor plan
  • elevations
  • cross-sections
  • foundation plans
  • bracing plans
  • plumbing and drainage plan


(examples only not an exhaustive list)

Architectural specifications

  • truss / frame supplier Information
  • manufacturer's installation details
  • appraisals / Codemark Certificates
  • specified / proprietary product info and certificates (eg):
  • balustrade
  • structural members (LVL, I-Beams, etc)
  • H1 calculations
  • bracing schedules
  • water heater details
  • stormwater detention system
  • alternative Solution justification
  • external moisture risk matrix
  • weathertightness reports / QA documents
  • lift documentation
  • change of use report(s)
  • second-hand appliance safety report
  • design features reports
  • structural calculations
  • initial seismic assessment (ISA)
  • detailed seismic assessment (DSA)
  • geotechnical reports

Structural specifications

  • wastewater reports

Supporting documents

(examples only not an exhaustive list)

  • structural engineer producer statements
  • maintenance procedures
  • performance and design standards for altered or new compliance schedule items
  • site contamination report
  • fire report
  • accessibility report


There are a number of check sheets available to assist with preparing your application which you can download and include with your supporting documents.

Commercial property? More information on Commercial consents can be located here

Submitting a good quality consent application can be a complicated process, so consider getting help from a professional. Use the forms and guides for your type of building work and make sure to include the relevant checksheet with your application.

Check the advice about preparing quality drawings for help with your plans. 

We need one copy of your application and originals of all drawings, specifications and supporting documents.

You can apply for a project information memorandum (PIM) using the Application for Building Consent form. 

Producer statements are only accepted from registered chartered professional engineers.  Professional opinions, design and construction statements may be accepted.  Opinions and statements need to be dated and clearly specify information such as:
(1) the scope of work that they cover and any limitations
(2) where they relate to
(3) the author’s name/signature and any qualification or registration details. Acceptance of opinions and statements is on a case-by-case basis, so please contact us to discuss.

Paper application? Use Application for Building Consent  Form 250 

For a better customer experience, use the customer portal to lodge your building consent


There are a number of checksheets available to assist with preparing your application. Complete the relevant checksheets and include it with your application.

Restricted building work guides and forms for residential building consents

‘Restricted building work’ is work that’s critical to make a home structurally sound and weathertight. You must use Licensed Building Practitioners (LBPs) to design and carry out this work. Below are a number of useful forms and links. Find out more restricted building work

Deposit information

We no longer require a deposit with your application. An invoice will be generated once your building consent has been processed. We will send request for payment directly to your nominated payer. Once paid we will issue your building consent. Please be aware if you withdraw your application you will be charged for the Officers time and a cancellation administration fee.

Submit your application

Unsure if you are ready to submit your application? Phone our Customer Services Centre on (04) 237 5089 to make an appointment for a pre-lodgement meeting. They will take your details for one of our building team.

We will contact you prior to meeting, as often we are able to resolve any questions over the phone. If your project is more complex, the caller will book your appointment with you immediately.

Ready to submit?

Use our online portal for all building related applications

Once your application has been submitted a Building Compliance Officer (BCO) will vet it for completeness and accept it.

Alternatively you can drop or post your building consent to:

Customer Services Centre, 16 Cobham Court, Porirua 5240


PO Box 50218, Porirua 5240

Your application takes up to 20 working days to process.

We’ll contact you if we need more information to process your application, and pause the 20-day clock. The clock will restart when we receive a complete response to our request. Find out about requests for information.

When your application is accepted the statutory time frame (or statutory clock) of 20 working days** for processing your application starts on the next working day.

We aim to make a decision on your building consent within 20 working days.

However, during the processing of your application, the statutory clock stops if we need to send you a request for information (RFI). Typically, this will be for missing information.

Once all the information is provided the statutory clock will be started again and processing of the application will resume. We then make a decision on whether to grant or refuse your building consent.

Christmas deadlines

**Please note: the building consents working days clock for new applications will stop at 5pm on Friday 20 December 2024, and start again in the new year on Monday 13 January 2025 (so 13 January will be counted as the next working day after 20 December).

We will do a check of all applications for a building consent to see if the proposed project meets District Plan requirements.

We check for compliance with bylaws and other legislation for items such as vehicle access, connections to reticulated services (water, sewer and stormwater) and, in the case of commercial premises, matters such as food licences, alcohol licensing and trade waste.

We’ll also check easements and consent notices that are recorded on the Record of Title. Interests registered on titles, such as covenants, easements and consent notices, generally list restrictions that pertain to a property that may impact on design. We strongly suggest that designers obtain and check these documents so that any relevant information can be incorporated into the design.

New vehicle access – Any building which requires a new vehicle access must be approved by us.  A detailed plan showing the location of the proposed access will need to be supplied with your application.  

What about a resource consent?  Some proposals require a land use resource consent.  If you are unsure if your proposal requires a resource consent, you can discuss the details with our Resource Consents planners first.

Referral to Fire and Emergency NZ

Some applications are required by law to be sent to the Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) for review.

Applications required to be reviewed by FENZ are:

  • alternative solution fire designs.
  • applications that involve modifications or waiver of clauses C1-6, D1, F6 or F8 of the New Zealand Building Code.
  • applications that involve an alteration, change of use, or subdivision that affects the fire safety systems of a building, including any building work on a specified system relating to fire safety, unless the fire safety system is minor.
  • We’ll send relevant applications to FENZ as part of the application process, with any costs incurred recovered from the applicant.

Heritage New Zealand

The council will need to advise Heritage New Zealand - Pouhere Taonga if a project information memorandum and/or building consent application is received that affects either :

  • a historic place or area,
  • a wāhi tapu
  • a wāhi tapu area or
  • a wāhi tūpuna

that has been entered on the New Zealand Heritage List / Rārangi Kōrero.

Once your consent has been issued you have 12 months to start your building work and you should aim to finish the work and apply for a code compliance certificate within two years from the date the building consent was granted. It is a legal requirement for council to make a decision on whether to grant or refuse Code Compliance Certificate  after two years from the time of granting the consent.

We’ll tell you what inspections are required during the project.  Ensure you have read the inspection requirements and are familiar with them before commencing work.  Missed inspections may mean that a code compliance certificate cannot be issued.

When you have completed your building work you need to apply for a code compliance certificate.

The application fee for the code compliance certificate is included in your building consent deposit however before it is issued we will review your account to include any additional inspection fees, amendments, developer contributions etc. 

This will be reconciled with your earlier payments and we will either send an invoice which must be paid prior to it being issued or if no further payments are required, or a refund is due, the refund will be actioned and your code compliance certificate will be issued.

How to apply

To apply for your Code Compliance Certificate you can either:

Commercial building consents

More information on Commercial building consents can be located here

MultiProof building consents

A MultiProof consent is a building consent for a standardised design that is intended to be replicated many times. MultiProof approvals are issued by the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment.

MultiProof is a statement by the Department that a specific set of building plans and specifications complies with the New Zealand Building Code. Under the Building Act 2004 (as amended in 2009), Building Consent Authorities must accept a MultiProof as evidence of Building Code compliance.

A building consent is still needed for a building with MultiProof approval.

The role of Building Consent Authorities is to:

  • Approve site-specific details, including foundations and utilities
  • Ensure that any MultiProof conditions have been met, and
  • Undertake normal inspections during construction.

The Council has 10 working days to issue a MultiProof building consent. Based on information from Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment website.

Certificate for public use

A Certificate for Public Use allows premises affected by building work to be used by the public.

Public occupation of buildings affected by building work

It is an offence to allow the public use or occupation of a building if a building consent is required for work or code compliance certificate for consented work has not been obtained. 

Despite this a building (or part of a building) may be used or occupied by the public if a certificate for public use has been issued.  We have 20 working days to decide if the certificate can be issued.

Forms to use

Note: this form is for paper hard copy applications only. You can apply for a certificate for public use via the customer portal.