Building consent inspections

We’ll provide you with a list of the inspections needed at each stage of your building work and the documents you’ll need to provide.

Book your inspection

We carry out inspections to check that what is built matches the approved building consent. We record the inspection by completing an electronic check sheet, making notes and taking photos.

There is an hourly charge for any extra inspections needed. You can find the current charge rate here.

You’ll need to provide the following information when booking an inspection:

  • site address;
  • building consent number;
  • name and telephone number of contact person on site;
  • date and time the inspection is required; and
  • type of inspection, ie plumbing, drainage, foundation, pre-slab, pre-line, etc.

Note: It is your (or your builder’s) responsibility to notify us at least 24 hours before you require an inspection.

Please ensure the approved building consent documentation is on site, so the building inspector can check what is built against the approved documentation. You do not need to be present for the inspection.

Check typical council inspections to find out what happens.

It’s your responsibility to make sure the inspections requested are done.

There is an hourly charge, please see fees and charges listing.

When your application is processed, the building compliance officer will determine what inspections are necessary.  Each inspection will be identified on your site check sheet attached to your building consent. Typical inspections may include but not limited to foundations, concrete masonry, concrete floor slab, pre-cladding, cladding, pool fencing, wet area membranes and fireplaces, pre-line building and plumbing, post-lining, drainage and a final inspection. 

In some cases commercial finals will require two inspectors to undertake the inspection and review specified systems.

Non-standard inspection types will be noted on the inspection list for your consent.

Sometimes it is necessary for specialists to conduct inspections in addition to the inspections carried out by us.  If a specialist inspection is necessary, you will be advised before the consent is issued.  Generally, these inspections are necessary to confirm ground stability or specific design by a registered engineer.

It is the owner’s responsibility to make sure that you contact us at the appropriate times to undertake the required inspection. The building compliance officer will email a copy of the inspection sheet to the contact person.

Please ensure you read inspection requirements and are familiar with them before commencing work.  

Missed inspections may mean that a Code Compliance Certificate cannot be issued.

At the conclusion of all inspections, the outcome of the inspection is recorded on the site inspection sheet and emailed to the nominated person. It is recommended that the owner or an agent is available on site for all inspections to ensure they are clear on the outcome.

You may be asked to stop work or continue with conditions (conditional continuation) if the inspector fails the inspection or work is non-compliant or unsafe.  

We’re sorry, but if there are no plans and documentation on site, we cannot do an inspection.  

If the inspection fails, the work to be fixed will be recorded on the site inspection sheet.  Another inspection will be required to inspect the remedial work. 

In some cases work may have to stop.  In other cases some work may be allowed to continue, or an amendment may need to be applied for. If the work is not remedied to the satisfaction of the building officer, it is possible that a Notice to Fix will be issued. 

Re-inspections may incur additional charges.

Inspectors are authorised to conduct site inspections at all times during normal working hours. You are responsible for the safety of visitors to the work site, including those undertaking building inspections. You must provide safe access to parts of the construction necessary for inspection. Ladder access must be securely founded and tied. Scaffold access and roof edge protection is generally required. Our officers will not inspect unsafe sites.

If your building work doesn't comply with the building consent at time of inspection, you may be given a notice to fix.  Please note there will be a fee of $198.00.  The notice will set out what you need to do to fix the non-compliance.

You're committing an offence if your project needs a building consent and you do the work without one.  You could be issued with an infringement notice and substantial fine. In rare cases, if the building is not safe or sanitary and doesn’t have a suitable way to escape from fire, you may even have to remove the building.

There is a fee for consents extensions, please see the extension of time form.

Send this form to [email protected] or mail to PO Box 50218, Porirua 5249.