The Building Act 2004 provides for the regulation of building work, the establishment of a licensing regime for building practitioners, and the setting of performance standards, to ensure that:
To achieve this purpose, the Act requires anyone proposing to do certain building work to obtain a building consent from a Building Consent Authority (BCA) before commencing building work, with the option of obtaining a Project Information Memorandum (PIM).
Read the guide for when a building consent is not required.
A building consent is the formal approval issued by a building consent authority (Porirua City Council) stating that certain works, if properly constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications, will comply with the requirements of the New Zealand Building Act 2004, Building Regulations and the Building Code.
You cannot undertake any building work which requires a building consent without this approval. Most building work requires a building consent, but some minor work is exempt under Schedule 1 of the Act.
The Building Research Association of New Zealand (BRANZ) is an independent and research, testing, and information resource for the building and construction industry. Further information can be found on the BRANZ website.
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is the government department responsible for regulating the building industry.
For consistency we will often refer you to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. It has all the information you need to build homes and buildings that are safe, healthy and durable.
The Building Compliance team is part of the Policy, Planning and Regulatory Services business unit of Porirua City Council. We carry out the Council’s statutory responsibilities under the Building Act, as an accredited building consent authority and the territorial authority. Our staff are trained professionals with backgrounds covering a range of building disciplines, including engineering, plumbing and construction.
We are committed to providing top-quality customer service and aim to help you obtain your consent as fast as possible, while also ensuring that your building project meets all legislative and Building Code requirements.
Should you need help understanding something please call us so that we can point you towards some guidance to assist you.
Please note that we cannot give you design advice (or design solutions) as that is the responsibility of the designer of the proposed building work.
If you're unhappy about our service you can make a formal complaint.
A building control function is any of the following:
If you’re unhappy about any aspect of our building control service, you can lodge a complaint and have your complaint managed. You can also appeal any decision we have made, or complain about any building control function we undertake.
To submit a complaint please provide details in writing to:
Manager Building Assurance
Porirua City Council
16 Cobham Court
PO Box 50218
Porirua 5240
You'll need to give us the following information:
An initial response will be provided within two working days, acknowledging the receipt of your complaint and advising of a timeframe for investigation and response.
You'll be asked whether you wish to be heard in relation to the complaint or to provide further information.
Can I appeal a decision?
Yes, if you do not agree with the outcome, you may request a review of the decision. All appeals must be made in writing, stating the reasons why you disagree with the decision.
All appeals should be addressed to:
General Manager Policy, Planning and Regulatory Services
Porirua City Council
16 Cobham Court
PO Box 50218
Chief Executive Officer
Porirua City Council
16 Cobham Court
PO Box 50218
Porirua 5240
We'll respond to your appeal within 10 working days.
Seeking a Determination
If you are still unhappy or choose to use an alternative route to settle a matter of doubt or dispute, you may apply to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) for a Determination. See Determinations for further information on this service and to download an application form.