Te Pae/the Board

UPDATE: An independent advisory panel, Te Pae Whakahou Hapori (I Porirua Ki Rawhiti) – Eastern Porirua Regeneration Advisory Board Panel (Te Pae), has been established to hold the vision and objectives of the project, and to make sure the desired outcomes are delivered. Members of Te Pae have been appointed by the responsible Minister on behalf of the strategic partners and provide independent monitoring, advice, advocacy and liaison to the three partners.

Te Pae hold the delivery entities to account to ensure that they are delivering on the objectives in an integrated and timely manner. Te Pae is serviced by a small secretariat and reports through to the responsible Ministers, Porirua City Council and Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira Inc (Ngāti Toa). It is intended that Te Pae remain in place for the entire length of the project.

Te Pae whakahou Hapori (I Porirua ki Rawhiti) – Eastern Porirua Regeneration Advisory Board (Te Pae/the Board) will hold the vision and objectives of the eastern Porirua Development, to make sure the desired outcomes of the project are delivered.

Te Pae/the Board won’t have financial levers, but it will be able to hold the organisations delivering the project to account to ensure that they are delivering on the objectives in an integrated and timely manner.

Te Pae/the Board will be serviced by a small secretariat and report through to the responsible Ministers, the Porirua City Council and Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira.

Working with our Crown and and Ngāti Toa Rangitira partners, the Council has developed a process for the community  to nominate people to Te Pae/the Board.

More details on the role and responsibilities of Te pae/the Board, and skills and experience that will be needed to be a member, is contained in this Supporting Information

Selection process

The Council met on 11 September to consider the nominations received, and agree a shortlist of people who will be put forward for consideration in the next step of the process. To protect the privacy of nominees this was a public excluded meeting.

The next steps are:

  • Council’s shortlist will be shared with Ngāti Toa and the Crown, and they will prepare a joint shortlist.
  • Due diligence, and interviews will be completed with preferred candidates.

The final proposed Te Pae membership will be recommended jointly by Porirua City Council, Ngāti Toa and The Treasury to Government.

The Council will notify unsuccessful nominees upon completion of the appointment process. We expect the process to be completed by November.

Final appointments to Te Pae/the Board will be made public.

The Community nomination process was open from 24 July to 21 August 2019.

Candidates were invited to complete an Expression of Interest supported by a current Curriculum Vitae. They provided the contact details of two residents of Porirua or two staff of any organisation working in Porirua City to support their application.