Responding to growth

Porirua needs more homes. We are changing the District Plan to meet housing demand and improve social and economic outcomes.

Population projections used to develop the Porirua Growth Strategy 2048 show that we will not have enough housing for our growing city within 3 years. Council is required to respond to the National Policy Statement on Urban Development to enable medium density housing in appropriate locations within walkable catchments of rapid transit stations.  

District Plan

More information about the Proposed District Plan is available here.

Te Rā Nui, Eastern Porirua Development

Central Government is working alongside Porirua City Council, Ngāti Toa Rangatira and the community to make eastern Porirua a better place to live, work and raise families. The project is being managed by the Porirua Development team, which is part of Kāinga Ora. 

Changes to the district plan needed to support the project are being advanced as part of the Proposed District Plan.

Plimmerton Farm

Council used a streamlined planning process (SPP) for Plan Change 18 Plimmerton Farm to rezone 384 ha to provide for more capacity for housing while protecting environmental values.

Plan Change 18 Plimmerton Farm is now operative and forms part of the Operative District Plan. More information on Plan Change 18 Plimmerton Farm is available here.

Specified Development Project - Northern Growth Area

Kāinga Ora is considering whether to use new urban development powers in the Northern Growth Area. It has selected this area for assessment as a potential Specified Development Project.