Plimmerton Farm

Porirua is growing and changing rapidly. Population projections in the Porirua Growth Strategy 2048 indicate there isn't enough available housing and land to satisfy short term and future demand.

Plan Change 18: Plimmerton Farm

Plan Change 18: Plimmerton Farm to the Porirua City District Plan is now operative. You can read about it here.


Under government policy (National Policy Statement-Urban Development) we’re expected to ensure we have land available to address this housing shortfall and provide choice for the diverse needs of current and future residents. And when development does take place, it needs to be undertaken in a way that responds to the well-being of the environment and its people.

Plan Change 18 Plimmerton Farm formed part of the Council’s response to the shortfall in housing capacity in Porirua City. Plimmerton Farm is an area of land identified in the Northern Growth Area under the Porirua Growth Strategy.

Council worked together with Plimmerton Developments Limited (PDL), who own Plimmerton Farm, to ensure there is the right balance between providing housing and managing any impact on the environment.

What was proposed

The land was zoned ‘rural’ under the Operative District Plan but has been identified as a growth area of Porirua City since 2009. A plan change was required to rezone Plimmerton Farm for urban development

In February 2019, Council approved that an application be made to the Minister for the Environment to use the Streamlined Planning Process (SPP) to progress the plan change to rezone land at Plimmerton Farm. This SPP process involved community and stakeholder engagement and consultation, submissions and a hearing before commissioners, with the Minister making the final decision.

Now finalised and approved by the Minister for the Environment, Plan Change 18 controls how the site is able to be developed. The plan provisions enable a range of house types (apartments, terrace houses, duplexes, single residential dwellings and lifestyle blocks), a retirement village, recreation spaces and walkway and cycleways, retail, a neighbourhood centre. The Ministry of Education was encourage to plan for a primary school. 

What you’ve told us and our response

We talked to our community, Ngāti Toa and other interested people and organisations. Here’s a snapshot of what you told us and our response.

Plimmerton Farm Community Feedback and District Plan Change Response

What we did with your feedback

Your feedback together with that provided from consultation with Ngāti Toa and key stakeholders, and the information from all our technical reports, has helped us finalise the precinct plan and the objectives, policies and rules for Plan Change 18.

We also included a summary of the feedback received in our application to the Minister to use the SPP. 

Application to Use Streamlined Planning Process

On 1 October 2019 Council applied to the Minister for the Environment to use a Streamlined Planning Process for the Plimmerton Farm Plan Change.

The application is available here.

The application to use the SPP was approved by the Minister for the Environment.

Where we’re at and next steps

These are the steps followed in the Streamlined Planning Process. The detail of the Plan Change 18 process is available here.

10727-Plimmerton Farm District Plan Change Timeline-v6.png

Council approved Proposed Plan Change 18 Plimmerton Farm for notification

On 11 December 2019 Council approved Proposed Plan Change 18 Plimmerton Farm for public notification.

The report to Council and the Proposed Plan Change are available on our meeting and minutes web page

The detail of the Plan Change 18 process, including public notification and participation, is available here.

Plan Change 18 is now operative.

Want to know more?

Call us (04) 237 5089