Meetings and Workshops

Porirua City is committed to conducting Council business in an open and transparent manner. We welcome involvement from our community in the decision-making process.

Meetings and Workshops

Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings and workshops in person.

From time to time, meeting reports and workshop presentations will only be considered with the public excluded where there is a good reason provided under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

You can view agendas for meetings and workshops below.

Council and Committee Meetings

We livestream and record all our Council and Committee meetings. You can view these on our YouTube Channel.

Meetings are where Council or one of its committees make important decisions for our City. Committees are a subgroup of Council, and are delegated the power to make decisions in some cases, or to prepare a decision for confirmation at a Council meeting.

Council Workshops

We also livestream and record some of Councils workshops. You can view these on our YouTube Channel.

Workshops enable elected members to learn more about a topic and ask questions before it is considered at a formal meeting for a decision. No decisions are made at workshops. Agendas are subject to change at short notice due to the informal nature of workshops.

Watch Council and Committee meetings

Next meeting

31 Oct



Wharekōrero Council Chamber, 2nd Floor, Administration Building, 16 Cobham Court, Porirua

Meeting calendar

You are welcome at any Council meeting.

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Attending or speaking at a meeting

We want to make sure we represent the full diversity of our community and welcome your input into the decisions we make on your behalf at Council and Committee meetings. Anyone is welcome to attend our meetings. You can also view documents for any meeting using our filtered listings below.

Meeting documents are available in accessible formats upon request. Email [email protected] for copies of meeting documents in accessible formats.

We make time at the start of every meeting for people to speak to the Council or Committee. Hearing from our community helps the Council so don’t be whakamā (shy). 

There are different ways for you to be involved in meetings. At Council, you can speak about any item you wish. At Committee meetings, the topic you wish to speak on must fall within that Committee's area of responsibility.

You need to arrange this at least one working day before the meeting by emailing the Democratic Services Team , or call us on (04) 237 5089.

Council meeting location

Council and Committee meetings are held in the Wharekōrero Council Chamber, 2nd Floor, Administration Building, 16 Cobham Court, Porirua.

Speaking remotely

You are welcome to speak to the meeting remotely via Zoom. If you wish to participate via Zoom, please let Democratic Services Team know as soon as possible.

After your public forum participation time is over, you can continue to watch the meeting on our YouTube Page.

We’ll let the public know where and when scheduled meetings will be held by advertising in the local newspapers and on our Council Facebook Page.

If needed, extraordinary meetings may be called. These meetings are advertised in the local newspaper as soon as possible.

You can also ask to go on our Meeting Alerts system to receive an email informing you when the next meeting is being held with links to the meeting documents. Just email [email protected] with your name and email address. We won't use your details for any other purpose.

Meetings use the following documents to ensure the smooth running of decision-making:

  • Code of Conduct: Elected members’ behaviour at meetings is governed by their Code of Conduct.
  • Standing Orders: Meetings must also follow the current  rules for conducting Council meetings and making decisions. The Council can temporarily suspend any standing order by a vote of 75 percent of the members present.
  • Council and Committee agendas are public documents (except for parts withheld for privacy or public safety reasons). Minutes of meetings are kept and made available to the public.

Meetings use the following pieces of legislations:

The Mayor presides over Council meetings, while a Committee Chairperson presides over a Committee meeting and make sure that they act within the powers Council has given them.

Members of the public can make a complaint to the Ombudsman regarding the administration of meetings at Porirua City. More information on this process can be found on the Ombudsman’s website.