Cannons Creek
Primary Purpose of Reserve
Sports & Recreation
This is a Crown Derived Reserve.
Community and commercial events.
Use of reserve buildings.
Utilities (Important): PowerCo Gasline, Wellington Electricity Powerline.
Utilities (Minor): Stormwater Power and Water from Cannons Creek Pool to BBQ seating area.
Outcomes soughtAppellation | Reserve Act Classification | Gazette notices |
Lot 1 DP 30737 | Recreation Reserve | New Zealand Gazette: 1994 p 1633 |
Information | Description |
Parcel Area (ha) | 0.71 |
District Plan Zones | Recreation |
Leases/Easements/Licences | Porirua City Aquatics Inc. |
Scale | Local |
Village | Cannons Creek |
Ground Shaking | No |
Landslide Susceptibility | No |
Tsunami Evacuation Zone | No |
Liquefaction Zone | No |