Broken Hill Reserves




Primary Purpose of Reserve
Recreational & Ecological Linkages

Values & Outcomes

Heritage values

Natural values

98 (E2A1) Exotic specimen trees and windbreaks with regenerating native understorey.

Areas of impeded drainage with wetland plants.

Recreation values


Other values

This is not a Crown Derived Reserve. 

Buffer between industrial and Tawa residential areas.

Utilities (Important): Water, Sewer.

Utilities (Minor): Stormwater.

Outcomes sought

1. Integrate the management of Broken Hill Reserves with concept development planning for Spicer Botanical Park.  Secure improved street-to-street connections and connections between Tawa, Spicer, and Wellington town belt reserves, as opportunities arise.

2. Safeguard the natural values through weed control and natural regeneration.

3. Safeguard the reserve as a contributor to Porirua’s Western Green Belt and its role as a green buffer between residential and industrial areas.  Remedy encroachments.

Legal Description

Appellation Reserve Act Classification Gazette notices
Lot 4 DP 50158 Local Purpose Reserve (Environmental and Landscape Protection) New Zealand Gazette: 2018 n 1594
Lot 12 DP 53044 Local Purpose Reserve (Environmental and Landscape Protection) New Zealand Gazette: 2018 n 1594
Lot 5 DP 312536 Local Purpose Reserve (Environmental and Landscape Protection) New Zealand Gazette: 2018 n 1594

Other information

Information Description
Parcel Area (ha) 1.11
District Plan Zones Open Space
Leases/Easements/Licences Water Easement.  Right of way Easement.
Scale Local
Village Elsdon, Kenepuru, Takapuwahia
Ground Shaking No
Landslide Susceptibility No
Tsunami Evacuation Zone No
Liquefaction Zone No