Camborne Walkway


Camborne, Paremata

Primary Purpose of Reserve
Recreational & Ecological Linkages

Values & Outcomes

Heritage values

JC09, HIDB 98 (Gold Mine).

HIDB 387 Camborne Boatsheds.

Prehistoric archaeological sites (middens).

Camborne boatsheds date from 1949, and were developed from small boatsheds to more substantial structures.  Poet Sam Hunt lived at Boatshed No.5 in the 1990s.

Natural values

Escarpment at western end of Pauatahanui Harbour.

36 (E1A1) GWRC Key Native Ecosystem.

Continuum of coastal forest, gorse-broom-hardwood scrub and shrubland, estuarine and sedge-dominated wetland, and shore-edge associations. Kanuka, mahoe, ngaio prominent in forest.

Recreation values

Swimming, walking, picnics.

Boat launching, sailing.

Dog walking. Cycling.

Other values

Lot 34 DP 40074, Lot 66 DP 17993, Lot 92 DP 20107, Pt Lot 108 DP 40351 and Pt Lot 64 DP 11273 are Crown Derived Reserves.

Landscape escarpment.


Dog exercise area. Refer to Control of Dogs Bylaw.

Utilities (Important): Water Supply, Stormwater.

Utilities (Critical): Sewer.

Outcomes sought

1.  Manage as three Zones:

Coastal Zone (A) (including the boatsheds)
Natural Zone (B)
Amenity Zone (C) (Dolly Varden precinct).

All zones:

  1. Encourage walking recreation by ensuring that connections between Camborne Walkway and other pathways in the network (including Te Ara Harakeke and Te Ara Piko) have clear signage and good information about the responsibilities of dog handlers and cyclists within the reserve.

  2. Safeguard the many cultural and historic heritage values relating to midden sites, historic gold mining and boatsheds, through careful management of land disturbance, planting and structure placement.  Provide interpretation to enable heritage awareness and appreciation.

  3. Improve the quality of stormwater inputs into Pauatahanui, through sediment controls on any land disturbance in the reserve.  Minimise erosion through coastal toe protection, favouring the use of soft engineering options.

  4. Retain the dog exercise area.

  5. Retain night-time liquor ban for the reserve area south of the boatsheds.

Coastal Zone (A):

  1. Protect the coastal escarpment and boatshed landscape values from inappropriate structures or land disturbance.
  2. Encourage walking, water-based and coastal recreation, and by providing pathways to and along the coastal marine area.  Provide signage for the high-tide walk along Dolly Varden beach.

  3. Allow cycling as a recreational activity within the reserve provided cyclists adhere to a right of way for pedestrians sharing the tracks.

  4. Protect recreational walking access along the coastal walkway from incompatible uses or structures which detract from the amenity of the walkway.  Prohibit encroachments (including gardens) into public space in the boatshed stretch of the zone.

Natural Zone (B):

  1. Protect the natural values of the coastal forest and enhance the remnant wetlands to achieve healthy ecological functioning, through on-going plant and animal pest control and natural regeneration.

  2. Encourage recreation and bush appreciation through the provision of pathways.

  3. Safeguard ‘bush to sea’ public access and ecological connections.  Integrate management of the ecological linkages with that for Bodmin and St Ives scenic reserves.

Amenity Zone (C):

  1. Classify the associated fee simple land appropriately.

  2. Safeguard open spaces and natural coastal landscape values.

  3. Encourage a wide range of water-based recreation and informal beachside recreation through the provision of car parking, pathways to and along the coastal marine area, vehicle access for boat launching, and appropriate amenity facilities including changing areas and food outlets.

  4. Consider commercial development or service provision as a potentially appropriate means of supporting or implementing the outcomes sought for this reserve.

  5. Consider as potentially appropriate the installation of a new underground wastewater storage tank to meet critical sewer infrastructure requirements.

  6. Implement the development plan for the Zone to achieve these outcomes.

Legal Description

Appellation Reserve Act Classification Gazette notices
Lot 10 DP 67097 Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2018 n 1594
Lot 14 DP 70109 Local Purpose Reserve (Esplanade) New Zealand Gazette: 2018 n 1594
Lot 2 DP 88899 Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2018 n 1594
Lot 3 DP 67093 Local Purpose Reserve (Esplanade) New Zealand Gazette: 2018 n 1594
Lot 34 DP 40074 Local Purpose Reserve (Esplanade)
Lot 5 DP 88897 Scenic 'B' Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2018 n 1594
Lot 5 DP 89612 Scenic 'B' Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2018 n 1594
Lot 66 DP 17993 Local Purpose Reserve (Esplanade)
Lot 7 DP 76504 Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2018 n 1594
Lot 92 DP 20107 Local Purpose Reserve (Esplanade)
Pt Lot 108 DP 40351 Local Purpose Reserve (Esplanade)
Pt Lot 64 DP 11273 Recreation Reserve
Pt Sec 81 Porirua DIST Local Purpose Reserve (Esplanade) New Zealand Gazette: 1994 p 1964
Lot 5 DP 81139 Local Purpose Reserve (Esplanade) New Zealand Gazette: 2018 n 1594
Pt Lot 43 DP 40351 Local Purpose Reserve (Esplanade) New Zealand Gazette: 1994 p 1964
Lot 3 DP 90702 Scenic 'B' Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2018 n 1594
Lot 35 DP 11273 Fee Simple

Other information

Information Description
Parcel Area (ha) 7.47
District Plan Zones Open Space


Scale City
Village Paremata
Ground Shaking Yes
Landslide Susceptibility Yes
Tsunami Evacuation Zone Yes
Liquefaction Zone Yes