Gloaming Hill Park



Titahi Bay

Primary Purpose of Reserve

Values & Outcomes

Heritage values

Natural values

22 (E1A1)

 Remnant tawa and kanuka forest.

Recreation values

Other values

This is a Crown Derived Reserve.

Informal connection to Onepoto.

Utilities (Important): Sewer.

Utilities (Minor): Stormwater.

Outcomes sought
  1. Retain neighbourhood and open space reserve values.

  2. Provide a formal connection from Gloaming Hill Park to Onepoto Park, by securing walking access rights as opportunities arise.

  3. Secure play opportunities for children through acquisition of adjacent public land as opportunities arise.

  4. Protect the natural values for healthy ecological functioning, through weed and animal pest control and natural regeneration.

Legal Description

Appellation Reserve Act Classification Gazette notices
Lot 164 DP 32034 Local Purpose Reserve (Neighbourhood) New Zealand Gazette: 1994 p 2798

Other information

Information Description
Parcel Area (ha) 0.43
District Plan Zones Open Space
Leases/Easements/Licences None.
Scale Local
Village Titahi Bay
Ground Shaking No
Landslide Susceptibility No
Tsunami Evacuation Zone No
Liquefaction Zone No