Karehana Park



Primary Purpose of Reserve

Values & Outcomes

Heritage values

Natural values

Recreation values
Play, kickabout area.

Other values

This is not a Crown Derived Reserve. 

Rare flat open space.


Refer to Control of Dogs Bylaw.

Utilities (Important): Sewer, Stormwater.

Outcomes sought
  1. Provide a pleasant community space for informal recreation and play opportunities for children.

  2. Encourage community use through improved entrances, signage, park furniture, and increased planting for amenity, shade and shelter.

  3. Improve safety, natural and amenity values of the stormwater drainage, stream and stream-edge.

Legal Description

Appellation Reserve Act Classification Gazette notices
Lot 2 DP 11427 Local Purpose Reserve (Neighbourhood) New Zealand Gazette 1994 n 4435
Lot 1 DP 86939 Local Purpose Reserve (Neighbourhood) New Zealand Gazette 2010 n 5255
Lot 26 DP 2242 Local Purpose Reserve (Neighbourhood) New Zealand Gazette 2010 n 6265

Other information

Information Description
Parcel Area (ha) 0.85
District Plan Zones Open Space
Leases/Easements/Licences None.
Scale Local
Village Plimmerton
Ground Shaking No
Landslide Susceptibility No
Tsunami Evacuation Zone Yes
Liquefaction Zone Yes