Mungavin Park



Primary Purpose of Reserve
Sports & Recreation

Values & Outcomes

Heritage values

Natural values

Please note that Council contractors will be starting work on enhancements to the seating and paths in and around the Mungavin netball courts. The work is expected to go through until the end of May, 2020.

Woodland trees.

85 (E1A1) Small but significant remnant of podocarp-broadleaved forest containing large kahikatea, hinau and titoki. Some restoration planting. Fringed by large pines which are also scattered throughout. On small tributary of Kenepuru Stream.

Recreation values

Netball, tennis, indoor sports, walking, play.

Community recreation events in buildings.

Other values

This is a Crown Derived Reserve.

Utilities (Important): Water Supply, Sewer, Stormwater.

Important thoroughfare via McKillop Street to shops, services, schools and medical centre.

Use of reserve buildings.

Outcomes sought

Manage as two zones: (A) Recreation Zone and (B) Natural Zone.

A.  Recreation Zone:

  1. Continue to encourage active sports use of the reserve by providing hard court opportunities and sports use of buildings.

  2. Encourage casual community use of the reserve, through existing buildings for community uses, and by retaining safe, easy access pathways and play spaces and equipment, parking and amenity open space.

  3. Provide a pleasant and safe open space amenity to the community that also gives shade for play and casual recreation, and accommodates the open stormwater drain.

  4. Protect street-to-street walking connections to shopping, services and city transport.

  5. Consider further buildings on the reserve as inappropriate, not including structures to provide shelter for the courts.

  6. Enable stormwater and sewerage utility maintenance and recognise utility maintenance requirements in any development plans for planting or recreational use.

  7. Prepare a development plan to achieve these outcomes.

B.  Natural Zone:  

  1. Protect the natural values of the forest remnant and wetland areas to promote healthy ecological functioning, through animal and plant pest control and natural regeneration.

Legal Description

Appellation Reserve Act Classification Gazette notices
Sec 167 Porirua DIST Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette 1994 n 3328
Lot 266 DP 17334 Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette 1994 n 3328

Other information

Information Description
Parcel Area (ha) 3.66
District Plan Zones Recreation
Leases/Easements/Licences Kapi-Mana Netball, Freestyle Thai Boxing
Scale City
Village Ranui
Ground Shaking No
Landslide Susceptibility No
Tsunami Evacuation Zone No
Liquefaction Zone No