Ngati Toa Domain



Primary Purpose of Reserve
Cultural Heritage Sports & Recreation

Values & Outcomes

Heritage values

JB18, HIDB4, HIDB 388, Historic Plates Category 1, Tapu Site.

Highly significant site.  Linked to the great Polynesian explorer Kupe. Settlement of moa-hunting people  at least as early as 1450 AD. The Domain is associated with a number of hapu and iwi, including Ngati Ira, Ngati Tama and Ngati Toa.

European  whalers, sealers and traders were present from the early 19th century. Site of Paremata Barracks Ruins (constructed during 1840s land wars) and a US Marine camp during World War 2.

Natural values

Woodland trees.

18 (E1A1) Distinctive sand dune vegetation rare in Porirua City. Vegetation is an integral part of the dune environment, reflects the underlying pattern of dunes and forms part of character of area.

Represents an ecosystem or habitat that is scarce, threatened and distinctive in Porirua City, even though very highly modified.

Provides significant ecosystem services (protection from storm surges) and has significant connectivity values along harbour edge. DOC proposed conservation status = endangered.

Recreation values

Sport (field, court and inside sport), childrens activities, boat and water activities, boat launching, picnics, dog walking/training, casual fishing, overnight campervans, walking, cycling, parading by 41 (City of Porirua) Squadron ATC.

Other values

Lot 1 DP 46488, Sec 366 Porirua DIST, Pt Sec 367 Porirua DIST and Pt Sec 337 Porirua DIST are Crown Derived Reserves.

Dog Exercise Area (foreshore area). Refer to Control of Dogs Bylaw.

Aesthetics, coastal environment.

The 16.2 ha parcel area does not include reclaimed land.

Club buildings.

The name for Ngāti Toa Barracks Historic Reserve has been gazetted for Area 'A' on SO 451405 being part Sec 337 Porirua District in 2019-In812.

Utilities (Critical): Sewer, GWRC Bulk Water Supply.

Utilities (Important): Stormwater.

Utilities (Minor): Water Supply, Electricity Cable. 

Emergency Disposal of Natural Disaster Debris: Potential temporary site for contaminated and clean fill.

Outcomes sought

Manage as 3 zones and an overlay:

  • Zone A.  Natural (Coastal), including the freedom camping area.
  • Zone B.  Active Recreation (Sportsfields)
  • Zone C.  Water Recreation
  • Zone D.  Community
  • Historic Overlay  

All Zones, and Historic Overlay:

  1. Protect significant cultural and historic heritage values through cautious management of land disturbance and structures, and through the protective management of archaeological and heritage sites, including the Paremata Barracks Historic Reserve, in accordance with the Ngatitoa Domain Conservation Management Plan.  Manage the entire reserve for the protection of wahi tapu.  Maintain the Barracks in their present state.

  2. Require that any land disturbance:
    i) will first involve consultation by Council (and/or the applicant) with Ngati Toa and Heritage New Zealand,
    ii) will involve the assessment of auger bores or test pits, and
    iii) is subject to a signed accidental discovery protocol between Council and the applicant (or, where Council initiates the work, between Council and Ngati Toa) before works begin.

  3. Consider additional building within 50 metres of the Paremata Barracks Ruins as inappropriate.

  4. Protect the open space and coastal character landscapes.

  5. Safeguard access to and along Te Ara Harakeke where it lies within the reserve, and protect recreational walking access along the coastal walkway, from incompatible uses or structures which detract from the amenity of the walkway.

  6. The 41 (City of Porirua) Squadron Air Training Corps shall be allowed to exercise their rights under the Charter for Freedom of the city, no more than once per year on the roads of Ngatitoa Domain, subject to an approved Application for Events on Parks, Reserves and Beaches.

  7. Maintain liquor ban throughout reserve, except for appropriately licensed indoor spaces.

  8. Prohibit dogs on sports fields, courts and playgrounds.

Zone A: Natural (Coastal) Zone

  1. Safeguard the significant natural dune ecology to promote healthy ecological functioning through active restoration work, including gradual removal of marram grass as funding allows. Monitor macrocarpa shelterbelt until health dictates removal then replace with native amenity planting for shelter and shade, if practicable.  Monitor and manage revegetated dunes against erosion threats.

  2. Prohibit buildings.

  3. Continue to provide opportunities for casual water- and shore-based recreation, and landscape appreciation, including access to and along the coast.

  4. Provide a short-stay camping opportunity for self-contained camping vehicles.

  5. Retain the existing dog exercise area in the coastal zone.

Zone B: Active Recreation Zone (including indoor and field sports)

  1. Encourage active and organised sports use of the reserve through the provision (or enabling) of sports fields, practical playing surfaces, and associated amenity facilities.

  2. Encourage existing leaseholders to plan for future multiple-use of buildings and facilities.

  3. Consider new buildings as potentially appropriate where they:
    i) support outdoor recreation, and
    ii) are multiple-use within a single facility.

  4. Enable dogs to use the area occupied by the canine obedience club.

  5. Encourage casual active children's play by providing play spaces and appropriate facilities.

Zone C.  Water Recreation Zone

  1. Encourage water-based recreation by enabling access to the coast, and by providing or enabling facilities necessary to support water sports activities.

  2. Encourage existing leaseholders to plan for future multiple-use of buildings and facilities.

  3. Consider new buildings as potentially appropriate where they:     
    i)  are essential to support coastal recreation, and
    ii) are multiple-use within a single facility.

Zone D: Community Zone

  1. Encourage casual active children's play by providing play spaces and appropriate facilities.

  2. Encourage casual community use of the reserve, by enabling community uses of buildings, and by retaining easy access pathways, parking and amenity open spaces.

  3. Consider additional buildings as generally inappropriate.

Legal Description

Appellation Reserve Act Classification Gazette notices
Lot 1 DP 46488 Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 1994 p 1977 v2
Lot 1 DP 76062 Recreation Reserve
Lot 2 DP 76062 Recreation Reserve
Sec 366 Porirua DIST Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 1994 p 1977 v2
Lot 1 DP 86571 Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2010 p 2296
Pt Sec 367 Porirua DIST Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 1994 p 1977 v2
Pt Sec 337 Porirua DIST Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 1994 p 1977 v2
Sec A and B SO 432553 Local Purpose Reserve (Community Use)
Area 'A' on SO 451405 being Pt Sec 337 Porirua District (Ngati Toa Barracks Historic Reserve) Historic Reserve New Zealand Gazette 2019-In812
Lot 2 DP 77301 Local Purpose Reserve (Esplanade) New Zealand Gazette: 2018 n 1594

Other information

Information Description
Parcel Area (ha) 16.20
District Plan Zones Recreation

Paremata Play Centre, Mana Squash Club, Titahi Bay Canine Obedience Club, Cricket Wellington, Ngatitoa Sea Scout Group, Sea Cadet Association, Mana Cruising Club, Mana Marina (Paremata) Ltd, Ngatitoa Tennis Club and Ngatitoa Netball Club, Paremata-Plimmerton Rugby Football Club, NZ Railways Corporation, Wellington Electricity.

Scale Region
Village Paremata
Ground Shaking Yes
Landslide Susceptibility No
Tsunami Evacuation Zone Yes
Liquefaction Zone Yes