Pauatahanui Burial Ground




Primary Purpose of Reserve
Cultural Heritage

Values & Outcomes

Heritage values

HIDB 179.  The cemetery is part of the original Mataitaua pa site. The land for the cemetery was gifted in 1856, and is the burial site of many Pauatahanui district pioneers.

Te Rangihaeata established a fighting pa on what is now the Pauatahanui Public Burial Ground during the 1840s. He moved here from Motukaraka Point where his pa was within the range of naval bombardment. However, no fighting ever took place at Mataitaua. After Te Rangihaeata's withdrawal from the pa in August 1846, Mataitaua was garrisoned for a short time by British soliders, the 65th Regiment, Northumberland Fusiliers.

Heritage roses - some roses found growing in the Burial Ground are believed to be from original plantings. Others have been rescued from historic sites and local roadsides.

Natural values

Recreation values
Historic experience, rose viewing.

Other values
This is not a Crown Derived Reserve.

Outcomes sought
  1. Safeguard the significant historic values of the burial ground through careful management of any activity involving land disturbance or structures, and through weed pest control. Continue to work with the community regarding conservation maintenance of the heritage roses.

  2. Manage in accordance with the provisions of the Cemetery Management Plan 2012 and the Pauatahanui Burial Ground Act 2007.

  3. Continue to provide a pleasant amenity and open space for casual recreation including appreciation of the local history values. Maintain the heritage character and fabric of the reserve.

  4. Implement the Pauatahanui Burial Ground Landscape Plan.

  5. As the Burial Ground has evidence of pre 1900 human activity, require that for any subsurface works an archaeological authority will be required from Heritage New Zealand under the Historic Places Act 1993.

Legal Description

Appellation Reserve Act Classification Gazette notices
Sec 1 SO 336355 Local Purpose Reserve (Historic Cemetery) New Zealand Gazette 2010 n 5255

Other information

Information Description
Parcel Area (ha) 0.00
District Plan Zones Open Space
Leases/Easements/Licences Rose garden.
Scale City
Village Pauatahanui
Ground Shaking No
Landslide Susceptibility No
Tsunami Evacuation Zone No
Liquefaction Zone No