Plimmerton Tennis Courts



Primary Purpose of Reserve
Cultural Heritage Sports & Recreation

Values & Outcomes

Heritage values

HHS019 Tapu site. Site of Taupo Pa, established by Te Rauparaha. Fortified pa. Important historic location and very high Maori cultural values.

Natural values


Recreation values


Other values

This is a Crown Derived Reserve.

Use of reserve buildings.

Landscaping (gardens).

Utilities (Minor): Stormwater.

Outcomes sought
  1. Manage recreation reserve portion for active sport recreation, by providing hard courts and supporting facilities, and enable the on-going use of buildings for community purposes in the Local Purpose part of the reserve.

  2. Safeguard cultural heritage and landscape values through cautious management of land disturbance and structures. Assume any land disturbance in the reserve could impact on cultural values and for where this is the case, local iwi and Heritage New Zealand should be notified.

  3. Retain a native hedge buffer between the courts and residential property. Monitor macrocarpas for storm damage and potential hazard.

  4. Improve amenity by rationalising and re-landscaping the existing gardens, as funding opportunities arise. Co-operate with nearby retailers to improve management of litter.

Legal Description

Appellation Reserve Act Classification Gazette notices
Lot 34 DP 2555 Local Purpose Reserve (Community Centre) New Zealand Gazette: 1989 p 5092
Lot 35 DP 2555 Local Purpose Reserve (Community Centre) New Zealand Gazette: 1989 p 5092
Lot 36 DP 2555 Local Purpose Reserve (Community Centre) New Zealand Gazette: 1989 p 5092
Lot 37 DP 2555 Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2006 p 3843

Other information

Information Description
Parcel Area (ha) 0.35
District Plan Zones Recreation

Plimmerton Tennis Club.

Scale Local
Village Plimmerton
Ground Shaking Yes
Landslide Susceptibility No
Tsunami Evacuation Zone Yes
Liquefaction Zone Yes