Porirua Park



Primary Purpose of Reserve
Sports & Recreation

Values & Outcomes

Heritage values


Natural values

12 (E1A1) Kahikatea/tawa-kohekohe forest remnants, extensive areas of regenerating broadleaved and introduced scrub. Includes small wetland, large area of fringing pines around Porirua Park and recently planted native trees.

Porirua Park Bush is a GWRC Key Native Ecosystem.

32 (E2A1). Mostly exotic trees (strawberry tree, silver gum, Lawson's cypress) along Mungavin Road to south of park entrance.

Woodland trees.

Recreation values

Premier sports ground, stadium, field sports, including winter codes and softball.

Viewpoint (Gillies Ave).

Other values

This is a Crown Derived Reserve, excluding Lot 63 DP 30006 and Lot 33 DP 73800.

Contaminated site.

Utilities (Important): Sewer, Stormwater.

Utilities (Minor): Water Supply.

Smart place, aesthetics, ambience.

Use of reserve buildings.

Emergency Disposal of Natural Disaster Debris: Potential temporary site for sensitive debris.

Outcomes sought

Outcomes Sought:

  1. Manage Porirua Park as a smart, aesthetically pleasing open space, including 3 zones; Active Recreation Zone (A), Natural Zone (B), and Reserve Operations Zone (C).

  2. Seek amendments to the reserve classifications to better reflect Zone (A) as Recreation Reserve, and Zone (B) as Scenic B Reserve and Zone (C) as Local Purpose Reserve.

  3. Acknowledge potential land instability impacts when considering future uses of Porirua Park.

Active Recreation Zone (A): 

  1. Manage as a regional sports facility. Continue to encourage active recreation by providing premier grade sports facilities and fields as well as fields for lower grades and juniors.

  2. Consider as appropriate the development of an artificial playing surface on Field 2.

  3. Continue to encourage casual community use of the reserve, through enabling community uses of existing buildings, and by retaining easy access pathways, parking and amenity open space.

  4. Protect existing street-to-street connections.

  5. Allow for the temporary deposition on the upper fields of sensitive debris following a natural disaster.

  6. Enable the maximum period of exclusive use under section 53 of the Act to be extended from 40 days to 60 days to cater for the specific requirements of an international event at Porirua Park that is supported by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, subject to approval from the Minister of Conservation. 

Natural Zone (B):

  1. Protect natural forest values to promote healthy ecological functioning, through animal and plant pest control and natural regeneration. Enhance regeneration of natural values through restoration work as funding opportunities allow.

  2. Protect ecological connections. Establish an ecological buffer to roading (Transmission Gully) impacts on the heart of the bush.

  3. Allow for recreational pathway access through this zone. 

Reserve Operations Zone (C):

  1. Continue to manage as a Council nursery and reserves depot.

  2. Consider as appropriate commercial recreation use if Council no longer requires the area for operations.

Legal Description

Appellation Reserve Act Classification Gazette notices
Pt Lot 1 DP 28193 Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 1981 p 1572 v1
Lot 1 DP 33453 Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette 2011 n 8276
Lot 63 DP 30006 Scenic 'B' Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2009 p 3986
Lot 55 DP 27640 Scenic 'B' Reserve
Lot 33 DP 73800 Scenic 'B' Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2018 n 1594
Lot 1 DP 28853 Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette 2011 n 8276

Other information

Information Description
Parcel Area (ha) 7.43
District Plan Zones Recreation and Open Space

Northern United Rugby Football Club. Order of St John. Option to lease for Menzshed.

Scale Region
Village Ranui
Ground Shaking No
Landslide Susceptibility No
Tsunami Evacuation Zone No
Liquefaction Zone No