Raroa Reserve



Pukerua Bay

Primary Purpose of Reserve

Values & Outcomes

Heritage values


Natural values

GWRC Key Native Ecosystem.

13 (E1A1) A distinctive complex of kohekohe and karaka dominated forest, manuka dominated scrub and coastal flaxland, rockland and herbfield on escarpment.

Recreation values

Walking, nature appreciation, sightseeing, access to beach.

Other values

This is a Crown Derived Reserve, excluding Sec 19 Blk V Paekakariki SD.

Areas of the reserve are also locally known by other names. The Gully area may be known as Waimapihi Reserve, after the stream that runs through it, and which was the name of the local Post Office.

Utilities (Critical): Sewer, Pump Station.

Utilities (Important): Water Supply, Stormwater.

Outcomes sought
  1. Manage as three zones:
  • Zone A: Raroa Bush
  • Zone B: Raroa Escarpment
  • Zone C: Waimapihi   ​

Zone A: Raroa Bush

  1. Protect the significant natural values to achieve healthy functioning of the forest and scrub ecology, through natural regeneration and animal and plant pest control.

  2. Encourage public enjoyment and access to the Raroa Bush through the provision of a pathway leading through the bush to a lookout.

Zone B: Raroa Escarpment 

  1. Protect the significant natural values to achieve healthy functioning of the coastal flaxland, rockland and herbfield ecology, through natural regeneration and animal and plant pest control.

Zone C: Waimapihi 

  1. Protect the significant natural and landscape values to achieve healthy functioning of the forest, scrub and riparian ecology, through natural regeneration and animal and plant pest control.

  2. Encourage public enjoyment and access to the beach through the provision of pathways.

  3. Support community conservation projects and programmes.

Legal Description

Appellation Reserve Act Classification Gazette notices
Lot 120 DP 8977 Scenic 'A' Reserve
Lot 121 DP 8977 Scenic 'A' Reserve
Lot 18 DP 5925 Scenic 'A' Reserve
Pt Lot 21 DP 21181 Local Purpose Reserve (Community Buildings) New Zealand Gazette 2012-In6019
Pt Lot 77 DP 24316 Scenic 'A' Reserve
Sec 19 Blk V Paekakariki SD Scenic 'A' Reserve
Lot 4 DP 9096 Scenic 'A' Reserve

Other information

Information Description
Parcel Area (ha) 17.72
District Plan Zones Open Space

7A Rawhiti Road has a row over Lot 21 DP 21181.

Scale Local
Village Pukerua Bay
Ground Shaking Yes
Landslide Susceptibility Yes
Tsunami Evacuation Zone Yes
Liquefaction Zone Yes