Samwell Reserve



Primary Purpose of Reserve
Recreational & Ecological Linkages

Values & Outcomes

Heritage values

Natural values

Woodland trees.

GWRC Key Native Ecosystem. 

10 (E1A1) Mature tawa-kahikatea forest remnants, linked with buffer planting and planted vegetation. Large Kahikitea.

Recreation values

Neighbourhood kickabout.

Open grassed space.

Other values

This is not a Crown Derived Reserve. 

Utilities (Important): Sewer, Stormwater.

Outcomes sought
  1. Continue to encourage casual recreation by providing easily accessed, natural play spaces. Retain grassed open spaces and amenity pathways within a natural landscape.

  2. Protect the natural forest remnants, promoting healthy ecological functioning through animal and plant pest control, and enabling natural regeneration. Improve ecological functioning and connections as funding opportunities allow.

  3. Protect street-to-street, reserve-to-reserve, walkway network and ecological connections.

Legal Description

Appellation Reserve Act Classification Gazette notices
Lot 2 DP 78761 Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2018 n 1594
Lot 1 DP 88822 Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2018 n 1594

Other information

Information Description
Parcel Area (ha) 2.23
District Plan Zones Open Space
Leases/Easements/Licences None.
Scale Local
Village Whitby
Ground Shaking No
Landslide Susceptibility No
Tsunami Evacuation Zone No
Liquefaction Zone No