Sievers Reserve



Cannons Creek

Primary Purpose of Reserve

Values & Outcomes

Heritage values

One of the first skate parks in NZ, and one of the southern hemispheres oldest surviving skate parks. (Porirua’s first Skate park was built in Pukerua Bay in 1976, but has since been replaced.)

The Richard Tautolo Playground is named after a prominent community youth leader.

Natural values

Bush amenity landscape.

Woodland trees.

89 (E1A1).  Planted and regenerating stand of trees on hillside. Diverse canopy of mainly introduced trees. Native sub-canopy, undergrowth and planted edge trees.

Recreation values
Active play area.

Other values

This is a Crown Derived Reserve.

Pedestrian street-to-street connections.

Utilities (Important): Sewer, Stormwater.

Utilities (Minor): Water Supply.

Outcomes sought
  1. Continue to encourage casual active play, by providing built play facilities, including courts, along with natural play spaces.

  2. Consider any historic significance of the skatepark before it is replaced, renewed or removed.

  3. Encourage casual community use of the reserve, by providing easy access pathways and amenity open space.  Maintain and enhance play opportunities, by using CPTED principles to prevent vandalism of play equipment, and by improving amenity planting for shade and shelter, as funding opportunities allow.

  4. Protect street-to-street, reserve-to-reserve and bush connections.

  5. Protect natural bush values, promoting healthy ecological functioning through animal and plant pest control along with natural regeneration, and restoration planting as funding opportunities allow.

Legal Description

Appellation Reserve Act Classification Gazette notices
Lot 44 DP 27742 Scenic 'B' Reserve New Zealand Gazette 1994 In 6641
Lot 45 DP 27742 Scenic 'B' Reserve New Zealand Gazette 1994 In 6641
Lot 46 DP 27742 Scenic 'B' Reserve New Zealand Gazette 1994 In 6641
Lot 47 DP 27742 Scenic 'B' Reserve New Zealand Gazette 1994 In 6641
Lot 48 DP 27742 Scenic 'B' Reserve New Zealand Gazette 1994 In 6641
Lot 49 DP 27742 Scenic 'B' Reserve New Zealand Gazette 1994 In 6641
Lot 1 DP 29096 Scenic 'B' Reserve New Zealand Gazette 1994 In 6641

Other information

Information Description
Parcel Area (ha) 2.82
District Plan Zones Open Space
Leases/Easements/Licences None.
Scale Local
Village Cannons Creek
Ground Shaking No
Landslide Susceptibility No
Tsunami Evacuation Zone No
Liquefaction Zone No