Staithes Scenic Reserve




Primary Purpose of Reserve
Sports & Recreation

Values & Outcomes

Heritage values

Natural values

Woodland trees.

GWRC Key Native Ecosystem.

105 (E1A1). Valley and escarpment with regenerating native bush and stream. Active restoration.

17 (E1A1). Area of kanuka-mahoe hillslope.

Recreation values
Pathway, walking connections. Links Whitby / Paremata / Ascot Park.

Other values

Lot 2 DP 44404, Lot 1 DP 47517 and Lot 3 DP 47516 are Crown Derived Reserves.

Utilities (Critical): Water Supply, GWRC Bulk Water Supply.

Utilities (Important): Sewer, Stormwater.

Adjacent to Conclusion Walkway and Ascot Park.

Outcomes sought
  1. Secure legal access connections across Postgate School to Postgate Park.

  2. Protect reserve-to-reserve, street-to-street and ecological connections. Protect and develop pathway connections between Whitby, Paremata and Ascot Park.

  3. Protect the regenerating native bush, riparian and stream areas, promoting healthy ecological functioning through animal and plant pest control. Undertake active restoration work as funding opportunities allow, including additional riparian planting to enhance erosion reduction, fish spawning habitat, and amenity values. Ensure that land management does not introduce contaminants to the waterway.

  4. Continue to encourage casual recreation by providing amenity open spaces, natural landscapes, and a  pathway network for walking and landscape appreciation opportunities.

Legal Description

Appellation Reserve Act Classification Gazette notices
Lot 2 DP 44404 Scenic 'B' Reserve New Zealand Gazette 1994 in 6560
Lot 1 DP 47517 Scenic 'B' Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2010 p 1464
Lot 3 DP 47516 Scenic 'B' Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2010 p 1464
Lot 38 DP 16813 Scenic 'B' Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2010 p 2296
Lot 1758 DP 47519 Scenic 'B' Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2010 p 2296
Sec 1 SO 392616 Scenic 'B' Reserve New Zealand Gazette 2010 In 6263
Pt Lot 1 DP 55620 Scenic 'B' Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2010 p 3308 v2
Lot 208 DP 490169 Scenic Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2020-In2099
Lot 209 DP 490169 Scenic Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2020-In2099
Lot 200 DP 444173 Recreation Reserve New Zealand Gazette: 2020-In2099

Other information

Information Description
Parcel Area (ha) 14.92
District Plan Zones Open Space
Leases/Easements/Licences Easement from Staithes to Carvel Reserve. Easement to GWRC for water mains​. Unregistered easement associated with a retaining wall in Sec 1 SO 392616.
Scale Local
Village Whitby
Ground Shaking No
Landslide Susceptibility No
Tsunami Evacuation Zone No
Liquefaction Zone No